--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The email below is one of the stupidest recently on
> Goanet. There ought to be a special category
> reserved for dumb emails and the email below tops
> the list. If people don't have anything
> intelligent to say about an issue, valuable
> bandwidth should not be wasted. Even as humour it
> fails miserably and reads like a veiled attempt to
> further discriminate against marginalized
> groups while trying to be funny. 
> Regards,
> George
> > The debate on reservations
> > (Author unknown)
> > >
> > Whether you are for or against reservations, here
> is a NEW ANGLE :-))
> > >
> > I think we should have job reservations in all
> fields of endeavor. I completely support the PM and 
> > all the politicians for promoting this.
> > > 
Mario observes:
Wow!  Calm down George.  You sound like the
self-conscious beneficiary of a reservations
policy:-))  Besides, I looked in vain above for
anything intelligent that you had to say on the
Either George has a curious vested interest in the
issue of reservations in India - while living in the
USA I might add - or doesn't have a funny bone in his
entire body.  Besides, while issuing a rant full of
invective and generalities, he conspicuously fails to
explain why reservations ahould not be applied to the
Indian sports teams :-))  Don't disadvantaged groups
have frustrated athletes that need help as well? :-))
George obviously believes that a policy of wholesale
reservations on the scale used in India benefits the
beneficiaries in the long run far more than an
alternative program that may seek to help them help
themselves by actually becoming professionally
competitive.  This is precisely what an athlete from a
disadvantaged group would have to go through.
Wholesale reservations policies have little to do with
helping anyone, and everything to do with buying

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