It's nice to hear new voices on goanet. Maybe a year
or more I lamented the absence of female voices which
were once loud and clear. Oldtimers will remember
them, so I need not name them.
Elizabeth is a good replacement to those who have now
become inactive. She gives back as much as she takes.
And that too in rapid-fire action.
Though Mario has been around for sometime now, I still
consider him a new voice. He surely replaces some of
the old ones.
I wish I could keep pace with the debates over
religion, reservations, NRI voting rights, etc. that
have marked goanet over the past few months.
Since I get a digest version, I think I lag behind. I
am thinking of gearing up to meet the "new" challenges
of the "new" voices by  diving into the debate, even
if I have too with my legs first in.
The debate are tense and engaging, and I wish some of
them involved deeply in their point-and-counter-point
arguments leave personal remarks aside.

Eugene Correia

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