Someone from Dona Paula  is wanting to know how to ACT/ do something
regarding the appaling state of Traffic in Goa.  Well,  the Bible says,
12:47 )"If anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him."
Its true that merely writing about things/ bringing it to the notice of the
so called "concerned" authorities, and "honourable" elected reps,
who remain unconcerned and dishonourable , is frustrating.  They have
"other" priorities.Great persistance and patience is required ,like the
waves lashing against the
rocks that are shattered into  small drops. Yet another wave and another and
the rock is ground to sand(Maybe not in our lifetime).
        Its taken me ten years ( not months), to get  the authorities to
demolish a wrongly  located concrete Bus stop .It was supposed to be
demolished after a new
fibre glass  one was put in place.I even provided a sponser. Now there is no
Bus Stop at all,  and the other existing signs removed, before new ones are
correctly put in place. No Parking signs, dividers are  in the pipe line.
Then  will , hopefully ,come  the enforcement follow up.  Indisciplined
traffic does not slow down before Zebra crossings, or when approaching
junctions/islands.So rumblers /speed breakers are required to save lives.
Traffic Police  priority is issuing challans to two wheelers  without
helmets. In the meantime so many deaths and accidents have occured, but our
system protects those who are responsible. No one can easily be made
accountable.The Courts....maybe you will require two lifetimes. Officers/
dealing hands are transferred and there is no procedure followed for handing
over/taking over properly.
       I have a  Traffic file, letters, copies to Sardinha  when he was
Chief Minister, Parrikar, Traffic authorities, Notifications(not
implemented), Magistrates orders (not
implemented). Kiran Dingra trying to do something(Transferred), Ive seen the
present Chief Sec, and  present Collector North Goa  are  sincerely trying
get things moving. Many  Officers have tried to coordinate the various
authorities namely Traffic Police, PWD, PWD(Highway), Panchayats ( Junction
at OCoqueiro/Chogm road  needs consultation with 5 panchayats), Collector,
Magistrates.So much waste of time, effort, expense. Its maddening.  Director
of Public Grievances (PG)gets letter from  DG Police complaining Village
Panchayat Succour is not cooperating ! The said  Deputy DG (PG)admits they
have no powers to enforce anything.He only writes  letters forwarding , for
reply at the earliest, which in official parlance means nothing. Most
Immediate and Top Priority ( Both stamped same page)letter from Panaji takes
8 days to
reach me at Porvorim! Private Bus operators cannot be made to  change their
ways.  Taxis  will not use meters etc.So can we judge the authorities in
this government system that thrives on mediocrity with power and corruption,
and forces even honest citizens to do wrong to survive?

this system that forces even  honest citizens to do wrong things .

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