This week has come up with  a big 'S' in surprises, shocks,  suggestions
etc. with many a bold headlines in the news papers.

As if we need old festering wounds opened up, the  Honourable Justices of
the Supreme Court are seen to be hallucinating when they say  "A time has
come for total prohibition of liquor" (NT-May 4, 2006).  The moment anybody
talks of liquor prohibition, I remember our enterprising PM, Mr. Morarji
Desai who hated liquor enough to prohibit its consumption while his own son,
Mr. Kantilal Desai was a liquor baron. A travesty indeed. Thousands of
people have died and are still dying by consuming illicit distilled liquor
(moonshine; bootleg; hooch; navsagar you name it) even when liquor is open.
Entire compartments of trains in Mumbai have been transporting hooch
distilled in swampy areas and hidden in tyres. Whenever I hear about
prohibition of liquor, I remember the scene from 'The Good, The Bad, The
Ugly where the man with the noose around his neck and about to be plunged,
uses his last wish to curse the liquor bottle which sent him to the gallows.
Shakti Kapoor is another example who drank like a fish and even peed on the
Goa Marriot's  lawns in open view of everyone. Do the Justices mean to say
that this would not happen if liquor was prohibited? On the contrary,  the
guy in the movie or Shakti for that matter would pass out drinking hooch
right into the coffins saving the trouble for the hangman or the Marriot's
lawn keeper.  Rather than prohibiting liquor, let the good Justices come out
with clear-cut directives to the Central and State Governments to use a
percentage of the huge revenues made from the sale of liquor to bring
awareness to the people of the ill effects of  liquor through print and
audio visual media. The good Justices must know that prohibition of any sort

'Form apolitical peace committees at ward level: Ribeiro'  NT- May 4, 2006.
This is a good try, but as I see it, this is a complete waste of time, Julio
Ribeiro or no Julio Ribeiro. The need of the hour is the 'WILL' of any
government/s to abolish practice of religion in illegally built  places of
worship and all government offices coupled with non-vote-bank policies where
anyone crossing the Laxman-Rekha line of religious discipline must be sure
of losing the skin off the backs. In this respect, the  sub-editorial
"Illegal Shrines- Need to Set Some Criteria" is highly appreciated. (NT-May
6, 2006) . The writing on the wall which all politicians and religious
leaders fail to see and acknowledge is that RELIGION  is the number one
culprit of all death and devastation throughout the world. It needs
regulating so it does not interfere with others, democracy or no democracy.

'NCP urges government to keep check on foreigners buying land' (in Goa) -
NT- May 4, 2006.
This is indeed funny coming from the Goa NCP, for this particular Party's
Goa unit  must know that foreigners have somehow managed to buy Goans first,
and,  it is but natural that their lands will follow suit. Why get gray over
matters like these? I wonder if Rajan Ghate, the NYC leader has had this
press note vetted by Dr. Willy himself before handing it over to the press,
considering that Dr. Willy is sightseeing in Dubai. It is wrong for a crab
to walk backwards and want its off-spring to walk forward. Is it now !.

And a word about Dr. Willy being in Dubai to sell Goa to Tourists. It is a
shame for such a wasteful adventure. He would have been better off cleaning
the beaches of Goa of the  terrible litter. If he has no innovative ideas
any more, he could use  me free of cost with the right post and I would
ensure that the earliest  bird on Goan beaches would be hard pressed to
find a single plastic coffee cup or what-have-you on the beaches even if it
was required  to save someone's life with the  sands remaining that way
throughout the day.

'Dabolim and Mopa are complementary' - Editorial NT- May 4, 2006.
More  than Rear Admiral S.M. Vadgaokar (Navy's Flag Officer Commanding Goa),
Mr. Arun Sinha must know that it is not easy to fool Goans all the time. No!
Dabolim and Mopa are not complementary. I consider Mopa to be a Sin. The
Navy wants Mopa at all cost and is seen to be working tirelessly towards
this end. Why? Because it has fallen in love at first sight with Dabolim and
wants to elope with it. With Mopa around, the Navy will be able to tie the
ultimate knot with strategic  Dabolim, consummate  and multiply its brood.
Goans will never allow this to happen and the Navy is bound to go away to
Sea Bird, Karwar or wherever with a heavy, broken heart. But if Goans do
allow the Navy to have its way, which is unlikely, just like they allowed it
to walk away with Anjedive Island,  then for sure, Goans will not be Goans
anymore. And Arun Sinha will have had his last laugh.

And lastly, the talk of India,  THE SAD DEMISE OF PRAMOD MAHAJAN. I concede
that Mahajan has been getting nothing but highly acclaimed reviews all round
despite his own blood brother doing him in.

To quote the editorial (NT-May 5, 2006) "He was a GenNext politician in the
truest sense, an excellent fund-raiser, a master strategist, a good
organizer, a good orator, and a lover of good life. In short, a politician
to whom success was more important than the way you got it"

What did you say? Mr. Arun Sinha ! "Mahajan, a politician to whom success
was more important than how  he got it'? And this is how you  measure
greatness of a leader who was slated to be India's Prime Minister? Give me a
break, will you?? You have just defined a prostitute.

Another editor has this to says of Mahajan's brain-child the 'India Shining'
 " The fact that it did not sync with India's heartland looking for their
next 'roti kapda makaan', takes nothing away from the concept." (GT- May5,

Is that what you would have Goans believe? Mr. Sujay Gupta? I know the
reason why you just couldn't plain simple say that the India Shining concept
stunk. But I shall  rather 'pass' than say it here.

It is a fact that Mahajan lived to build castles in the air for the
misguided BJP. It could be accepted  that he was slated to take over as
India's BJP Premier in the future, there being nothing better in the
pipe-line. Fine. But two things: (1) "Man proposes and God disposes", and
(2) "How does it benefits you if you gain the whole world and lose your
soul?". GOD, they say, works in mysterious ways. But to the extent of
leading  a blood brother to squeeze the trigger thrice over??  Some GOD that

And I am of the opinion, like the rest of India and perhaps the rest of the
world that Pramod Mahajan loved life to the fullest. And it is beyond any
reasonable doubt that he  loved the Press EVEN MORE. Criticize the Press?
Mahajan? Naah !!!  He was smart to realize that his ticket to the PM's chair
was the PRESS. And it was hurting to see the Press equating his slaying to
the slaying of the Biblical Abel by his brother Cain. Only here it was
perhaps the reverse. Abel slaying Cain for  good measure?


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