--- Cornel writes:
> > Jorge
> > Thank you for demolishing the myth Mario created
> regarding his surname
> > contributing to the name of a village in Portugal.
> Any Johnny- come-lately would know that Portuguese 
> sourced Goan surnames were a consequence of
> > Portuguese sourced activity, including naming, in
> Goa, and not the other way around.
--- Paulo Colaco Dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This reminds me of a story of a Goan chap I met many
> years ago here in London. He had just arrived in 
> London and was looking at the phone directory
> (book) and came across several pages of Fernandes,
> Souza, Silva, etc. At first I had not realised what 
> he was doing with the phone directory but then
> he made the following remark: -"There are so many
> Goans in London!!"
Mario observes:
What Cornel's comments should have reminded you of was
a person with absolutely no sense of humor or irony.

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