On 07/05/06, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mario observes:
I suppose the sage "expert on middle-east affairs"
thinks that all hell will not break loose if Iran
acquires a nuclear bomb and follows through on their
daily threats to wipe Israel off the map.

RESPONSE: I have lived in the Middle East, where it matters in Jeddah
and Riyadh. My last job was as an advisor to a Saudi Prince, from the
Royal House of Saud.

Mario Goveia makes pronouncements, without having experience on any
matter, only what the Right Wing Republicans spew, which he swallows
hook, line and sinker.

We are about to kick the US's greatest ally in the West - Tony Blair
shortly, here in the U.K. Next it will be the turn of his beloved
Bush. Both will go down ignominiously!

North Korea is a bigger threat - why not knock on their door first?
Double standards!!!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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