A post on goanet to join the protest rally for Catholic Goemkars/Mumboikars
in amchi mumbai evokes response fm Elisa n Cornel and I see many more
posts on this one coming....

Both hv not said a single word on the other movie 'tickle my funny bone' for
which the protest n ban was mainly called out.

The protest was basically called out since the producers, director and those
responsible for the movie had put out publicity material of scenes that were
not in the film as stated by a report from Censor Board. In a democracy the
Christian community also has the right to protest against such lies and
fabricated stories which shows them in poor light and make them objects of
public ridicule and disrespect.

On  May 09, 2006 2:09 AM Elisa wrote:
<Remember what happened in the garden of Eden?>

As to what happend in the Garden of Aden...am sure SOMEONE must have
told you what happend after 'Adam n Eve' ate the apple..:)

Bernado thanks..many of the Goacom BBS'ers/chatters who are
here are aware of Leah.. :)

Edward Verdes
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@goanet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 8:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] BAN FILMS - PROTEST RALLY
> > This reminds me of the time, the Catholic Church
> > decided to ban/boycott Carnivale in Goa. In addition
> > to circulating various untruths, this bald-faced lie
> > was part of the propaganda machine. That there was a
> > substantial increase in abortions following Carnivale.
> > For this to transpire, the following would have to
> > occur:
> >
> > a) all the unwed girls in Goa would miraculously
> > synchronise their ovulation with Carnival.
> > b) all the young men would forget that such a thing as
> > a condom exists.
> > c) all courting couples who have otherwise shown
> > restraint will throw caution to the winds and have
> > unprotected sex only because it is carnivale.
> >
> > And lastly for this claim to be substantiated in the
> > first place, someone would have to go around all the
> > abortion clinics and make a survey, demanding to know
> > whether they had sex at the Panjim Club Nationale
> > Dance or the Margao Black and Red Dance.
> >
> > So much for wanting to ban fiction!
> >
> > Elisabeth
> > ----------------------------------------
> >
> > --- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Lavy
> > > I regret I have to disagree strongly with your

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