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PUC professor off to India on Fulbright scholarship
Napa Valley Register
By Register Staff

Thursday, May 11, 2006 1:13 AM PDT When Dr. Victoria Mukerji applied for
the highly competitive Fulbright Scholarship nine months ago, she hardly
told a soul because she was so sure she wasn't going to win. Mukerji
said she has dreamed of getting a Fulbright scholarship since she was a
little girl, and the news that she had been chosen took her by surprise.
"I'm very, very happy," she said.

Mukerji, an associate professor of visual arts at Pacific Union College,
has been awarded the scholarship to teach at Goa University in India for
six months.
Part of her primary assignment at the university will be to help
establish a curriculum in media and culture.

Mukerji said she is excited about how her film and media background can
be put to good use. The International Film Festival of India has just
made Goa its permanent home with the goal of becoming the Cannes of
Asia. The anthropologist in Mukerji is anxious to observe the effect of
this event on the local population.
"What impact is this high profile, globalized, celebrity attraction
going to have on the local culture? And how is the indigenous culture
going to effect this event?" Mukerji said.

Mukerji, whose family is Indian, has spent the majority of her adult
life in India. While she was working on her dissertation for her Ph.D.
in anthropology from UC Berkeley, she went to India for her research
into intellectual identity formation in the post-colonial world. She
ended up spending 18 years in India working as an anthropologist,
filmmaker and advertising executive.

"I made a commitment to India," she said. "I'm thrilled to be going
While Mukerji studied many aspects of India, the state of Goa is one
geographic and cultural area that remained a bit of a mystery to her.
Goa has an unusual colonial history. While most of India was colonized
by the British, Goa remained under Portuguese control until 1961.
Mukerji produced a documentary about the cathedrals of Goa for the
Smithsonian and her experience in Goa left her wanting to know more.

"The place I'm going to is unique in India," Mukerji said. "I know India
pretty well having lived there for so long, but this is Christian and
Portuguese India, it's very different."

Mukerji started teaching at PUC eight years ago and her broad background
is put to use in several departments.  In addition to teaching for the
visual arts department, she also teaches for the communication
department, the psychology and social work department, and the honors
When her documentary film class premiered a film recently, she talked
about how proud she is to see her students' accomplishments.
"I thought the highest emotion, the proudest moment, would come from
seeing my film completed," she said.  "But I was wrong. The proudest
moment comes when you see students that you have helped nurture complete
their project."




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