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It was quite an eventful past week since it took me out of Goa in a long
long time. And  the thought of having to make a dash to Bombay for any
reason whatsoever has been like wanting to run the other way. The very
thought of keeping a clean and scented  kerchief  ready to hide the nose
once landed there to avoid all sorts of smells starting from Sion and the
onward journey through the dreaded Dharavi was revolting. Naturally, I am
talking of a bus trip to Bombay So this time when I had to make a dash to
now Mumbai for a day for a business meet, I fortified myself saying that it
was only for a day. But when I landed at Sion via the expensive Volvo,
things looked different. In fact things smelled different. Moreover, at 9.00
a.m. there was no choking air pollution. Clean! When I passed through
Dharavi, I forgot I had to tie up my face. Still no smell. In fact Dharavi
didn't look like Dharavi at all with the normal sight of people doing their
job on the roadsides. Later, my brother would tell me that should I visit
Dharavi  a year from now, I would fail to recognize it as Dharavi. The day,
of course,   was all surprises. Clean air against all expectations. CNG?.
And to find this clean atmosphere in good old Mumbai, I would have thought
it was bordering on the impossible.  I would find Mapusa, Margao, Ponda,
Vasco and even Panjim more polluted, dirty and stinking than anywhere I
happened to be in Mumbai, which was South of Santa Cruz. And I positively
failed to spot a single piece of plastic or a plastic wrapped 'potli'
(parcel) lying quietly along the roadside like we find umpteen of them
everywhere in Goa. And unlike our roads in Goa, even in Panjim city, the
roads in Mumbai are clean swept and one fails to even notice a street
sweeper anywhere in sight after 7 a.m. unlike in Goa, where  our municipal
cleaners observe bank timings. And the traffic movement was swift and easy
with all those fly-overs which makes Bombay not look like good old Bombay or
Mumbai at all. And it was a blessed surprise for me to have been moving on
the 2.5 kilometer fly-over in the heart of Commercial Mumbai Central area,
the longest one I have traveled on, except in Bangkok or in Lagos, Nigeria,
etc.  And all the time since my entry into Mumbai,  I was troubled by just
one question. Why not Goa? If Mumbai could be transformed into something
like this for me to appreciate it and  force me to eat my previous revulsion
at the same time,  my thoughts immediately moved over  to Sanjay Dutt. For
I, at that time, could  have convinced him to hand over to me his AK-47, if
he still had it with him, so I could come to Goa bindass, like Praveen
Mahajan,  and have a field day spilling  the garbage at its prestigious
dumping site - The New Legislative Secretariat at Porvorim. Hopefully,
Sanjay Dutt will start doing just that, the next time he comes a shooting at
the Associacao Academica grounds at Moira just like Shakti Kapoor did it on
the lawns of the Marriot in Panjim  a fortnight or so ago.

And  the Amma from Chennai must be feeling sorry all over for having lost
her cradle to her old, wily, dark glasses wearing  detractor. But most of
all she must be feeling sorrier for having spent all that foreign exchange
to supply all the TN  workers, working in labour camps of  Dubai, Abu Dhabi,
Kuwait what have you, with telephone cards to call back home and convince
the folks at home that they should vote for Amma dearest. Maybe she should
have offered Mercedes Benz's and  cute looking brides to these gentlemen to
compete with the dark glasses wearing naughty boy who gave not only the
telephone cards but also colour TVs, fifteen thousand bucks per marriage and
a bagful of rice at Rs. 2/- per kg.  The important thing to watch now is the
population explosion  that  will have poor Amma grounded for good in time to
come.  If Sonia Gandhi had the effrontery to resign from her Lok Sabha seat
to hide from the Office of Profit and come up a winner with a margin of over
4 lakh votes, all at the cost of stupid taxpayers like me, then there is
nothing left in this country that is worth calling democratic politics. And
for sure,  Mrs. Das Munshi, who won her seat to keep company to her husband
as a high profile Cong Man, must be feeling elated that at least one of her
subjects has not only voted for her but has been ready to break his head
like a narial (coconut), falling prostate at her feet in public view, and
console herself that this narial would burn himself to death by dousing
himself with kerosene just like a faithful restauranter has done to herself
not to be able to see Amma's sorry face in defeat, if she ever becomes too
small in his eyes at the next hustings.

And  the Da Vinci Code has come around to unnerve the Catholic leaders
world-wide and rightly so. If the world saw eruptions and mayhem just
because a Danish cartoonist thought he could poke fun at Good Mohamed
Prophet, so also the Catholic world is expected to gear up for the Crusades
that have been long forgotten.  Man has always been a genius at finding
something or the other  to poke fun at. But then there is a limit to poking
fun when one is poking at a 'mystery' which is the raison d'etre of the very
foundation of Christianity. I wonder if some such Charlie would have the
gall of poking fun at 'Ram' given the fiery sentiments of the RSS in India.
Me think the culprit,  the root cause of  all these weird happenings is
'science' itself'.  Galileo should not have been spared after all. As a
child, I remember our Church's pulpit ( now an ornament only)  reverberating
by the assertions of our home grown priest (who, by the way is still very
active as of today)  "that man would never be able to reach the moon however
hard he may try, as God's own secrets cannot and will not be unfolded by
 man". And bang! A few years later, man not only reached the moon, but he
even played hide and seek and had a ball bouncing around there to come right
back to the good old earth, safe and sound. All said and done,  in my very
humble opinion, the best  thing to do is to allow poky souls to wear
themselves out trying to pry open the lid off history. The lid will stay put
if it is heavy enough. And  I will repeat what I have said a hundred times.
That religion has been the cause of every evil on this good earth and there
is history to vouch for what I say. If only people would keep their
religions within themselves rather than flaunt them in public, and go about
doing what they have to do, i.e. 'EARN THE DAILY BREAD', things would be
very much  alright. Did someone say he saw what GOD looks like???  I am
dying to know.

And, at almost fifty nine,  not having much urge to do anything
revolutionary, I have resigned myself to taking care of my newly acquired
German Shepard pup whom I have name "Hitler". People look at me askance when
I tell them its name. And I say to them "Why not?" After all, Hitler was a
dog. A very mad one at that. But my main hobby of a lifetime has been to
watch birds bathing. It is tricky, as birds are creatures of definite daily
timings when they must bathe. And after years of preparing make-shift
bathing arrangements for them at various places of their choice, I have
finally succeeded in giving them a permanent bathing place. A bird  pool
around a tall pine tree, planted prominently in my compound so it would
serve as a Christmas tree come Christmas season. And after sizing up the new
arrangement for almost a fortnight, my birds have decided to bathe at last.
They are  funny creatures, mostly very suspicious. They will only venture
close enough after giving the newly set up place a wide berth for about a
week to reassure themselves that it is safe.  The first in the day to take a
drink and then  a splash in the pool is the crow. At 7 a.m. he is the early
bird, and very noisy too. Then, by 8.a.m. comes the nightingale, one to go
straight to the job on hand and very thorough too. Then comes the turn of
the wild spotted pigeon we call 'Koudo'. Not one to bathe but religiously
feeding around the pool from the broken rice and nachni that I sprinkle for
it to feed on. He even takes an occasional drink or two from the pool water
but mortally scared to dip himself. Then by 9.00 a.m. comes the red capped
bull-bull called the 'Firghi" (European Bishop). Very suspicious but very
meticulous at bathing. He bathes with his bigger sized cousin  called the
"Khapri" ( the Negro). And there are grey, yellow and purple ones, of all
shapes and sizes who take their turns and decorate the pipe tree to pick &
dry out their soaking feathers before flying out for the day.  The bathing
cycle is repeated  at 3.00 p.m. but  by certain morning customers only. And
before sundown they are mostly back at the job with the nightingale being
the last.

And as much as this bird bath gives me the ultimate pleasure, I am worried
that it may not last long, the pool, I mean. For my wife is  more of a
worried master of the house  than me,  complaining of my indulgence in
wasted time watching birds having bath. But knowing my capabilities, I am
very confident that there will be two of us enjoying birds having their
baths, even at the cost of going to bed on an empty stomach. For, as they
say, the pleasure will be mine,  all the way.


I shall be better off watching birds having their baths than watch scheming
politicians at work, specially those handling the Town & Country Planning
Department where the fear is that the Department may soon lose its full name
with the word  'Country' missing, altogether.

And if at all I have enjoyed reading the witty and most often very sensible
writings by anyone, it would be through the pen of Senhor Kuldip Singh. But
this is the day I must disagree with his assessment of the Biblical as well
as the Political Abel over Cain. (NT Panorama-Sunday May 14, 2006). It would
do good for the old Sardar to check out if the Biblical Abel and Cain were
married brothers and if Abel was not too fond of Cain's wife having chosen
her himself for his younger brother.


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