
You may find the following link informative. 

Citizens Advice Bureaux around the UK have seen a big increase in the
numbers of EU nationals - particularly from Portugal - seeking advice on
employment and housing, following exploitation by gangmasters. The national
advice charity has been campaigning for better information for workers from
the EU about their rights and employment terms and conditions, before they
arrive in the UK.


Teotonio R. de Souza 



Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 17:39:08 -0400 

From: cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Subject: [Goanet] Re: European Union - citizenship et al 



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 



I am not sure that .....someone from Portugal or 

any EU member has as much right as a UK citizen regarding work etc 

notwithstanding that work is currently plentiful here. I only say this 

because very recently, a distant Goan Portuguese national relation of mine, 

(by marriage), was required to return to France when he could obtain work 

here, and desperately wanted to remain here. His English was excellent but 

he was forced to seek work in France (being married to a French national) 

and to struggle with French. I think a work permit is still a requirement 





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