--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> RESPONSE: Mario Goveia, you are being disingenuous
> and devious at the same time...you stated quite 
> pompously to Elizabeth that she was being
> presumptuous, in stating knowledge about John Stuart
> Mill, being obtained via Google, same as you. You 
> refuted that and  gave us the impression that you 
> were fully conversant with the man and his
> standing.
Mario observes:
I have no control over the ability of some Goanetters
to understand what has been posted.  This is being
exemplified by Gabe in his comments above.
As part of her post Elisabeth had said that she was
previously only familiar with the one quote by John
Mill that she had used.  Then she said that "much like
me" she had subsequently googled and read more about
him.  In my response to Elisabeth on May 11, here is
what I said:
""Much like me"?   Aren't you being a tad presumptious
in insinuating that I wasn't familiar enough with John
Mill to know he had nothing in common with modern
political liberal philosophy?"
Nowhere did I say or even insinuate that I was "fully
conversant" with everything John Mill had said and
done.  I said I was "familiar enough" with John Mill 
to know that he wasn't a modern political liberal, as
anyone can see above.  I then consulted Wikipedia for
more quotes and details.
Gabe continues:
> To put it simply you are forever ducking and diving,
> I needn't say more, your postings as always give 
> you away.
> Santosh corrected you and you stand correced! Please
> be man enough to say so.
Mario responds:
Again, a sad lack of comprehension by Gabe.  Here is
what I actually said:
"Santosh had previously provided us with a passionate
post where he correctly pointed out something I was
not aware of at the time, that John Mill had been
quoted incompletely in Wikipedia."
What about my saying that Santosh had "...correctly
pointed out something I was not aware of at the
time,..." did Gabe not understand?
However, I don't expect Gabe to "be man enough to say

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