This was sent on Saturday 13th
It was indeed gratifying, and commendable, that you decided to write on Abade Faria, such a prominent Goan so few Goans know about.
There are one or two factual innacuracies which I hope you do not mind my drawing attention to:JOSE CUSTODIO de FARIA was born in Candolim, not Colvale, on 31st. May l756; he had no partcipation whatsoever in the 'Conspiracao dos PINTOS (PINTO Conspiracy),as hinted by you because, at the age of 15 in 1771, he left for Portugal with his father and never returned. And the PINTO Conspiracy took place six years later. Finally, he was and was not the son of a priest and nun :he was born to a normal married couple in perpetual acrimony. So, years after his birth, by mutual consent, they decided to separate. After the requisite dispensations from the Holy See, the mother went to the Conmvent of Sta. Monica and he studied for the priesthood and was ordained. Availing of the opportunity of the occasion, I would like to expatiate further on the person. (Being born in Candolim myself, as a co-villager perhaps I can hope some of his reflected glory can rub off on me!?)
CAETANO VICTORINO de FARIA was born in Colvale and pursued the preparatory course for the priesthood. But then he married RITA de SOUSA, daughter of ALEXANDRE de SOUSA, a very rich man from Candolim .As she was the only daughter, Caetano Victorino came to live at the house in Candolim (gor zavuim?).
Being an only daughter and heiress presumptive to a large fortune, Rita had been brought up as a spoilt child: she was proud, highly temperamental and domineering. So, from the very start the marriage went off on the wrong track with constant dissensions and fights.The father tried his best to restore normal, harmonious relations between the two, to no avail .The resulting stress took a heavy toll on his health, which deteriorated rapidly. Seven years after the marriage, he died.
Ten months after the death of the father, a son was born to the couple, JOSE CUSTODIO de FARIA But, even after this auspicious event peace was not restored to the household and the old acrimony continued.The couple, therefore, eventually decided that separation was the best solution. After the requisite dispensations had been obtained from the Holy See, they were separated: RITA went to the Convent of S.Monica and Caetano Victorino pursued studies for the priest-hood and was ordained.
In 197l Caetano Victorino resolved to go to Portugal and took his son along with him. In LISBON, with his pleasant manners and 'pushing' nature, he managed to gain several friends in influential circles at the Court. He then decided to go to ROME and got his doctorate there before returning for good to LISBON.
The son, JOSE CUSTODIO, accompanied the father to ROME, studied for the priesthood and eventually also got a doctorate in theology. He then returned to LISBON. Using the large, influential contacts he had achieved in LISBON, the father allegedly got an assignment for the son to preach at the Royal Chapel, quite a distinction for a young, yet unknown priest
On the assigned day, when Jose Custodio went up on the pulpit and saw before him Royalty, noblemen and courtiers his head began to spin and he got tongue-tied. The father, standing beneath the pulpit, sensed the son's predicament, and wanting to proffer help muttered sotto voce :”Kator re bhajji”(I do not know an adequate translation for this pithy Goan phrase and would welcome help, if available). The recall of the motherland acted like a magic bullet and immediately loosened the preacher's tongue who proceeded to deliver an eloquent, and much appreciated, sermon.
However, news of the PINTO Conspiracy in GOA had now reached Portugal and, since Caetano Victorino, the father had gone to Lisbon with letters of reccomendation from IGNACIO PINTO, the father of one of the key conspirators, JOSE CUSTODIO thought it prudent to move to France.
In France Jose Custodio immersed in his studies and experiments, travelling to several cities. He mixed a lot socially with the cream of French literary and scientific communities, achieving great popularity as ABBE FARIA. Apart from DUMAS who used him by name in “Count of Monte Cristo”,CHATEUBRIAND also made him a personality in his “Memoires d'outre ombre”.ABBE FARIA took an active part in the French Revolution, marching ahead of a crowd of rebels.
During his lifetime ABBE FARIA was able to publish only one book”De la cause du sommeil lucide,ou etude de nature de l'homme” par l'abbe FARIA,brahimini,docteur en theologie,PARIS l8l9(The cause of lucid sleep or a study of the nature of man, by abbe Faria,brahmin,doctor in theology,PARIS 1819)
He died young of fulminant apoplexy.

Ref. CUNHA RIVARA:A Conjuracao de 1887 em GOA” l875 Edition

N.B. & P.s.:Fr.JOSE VAZ is now 'Blessed” and not 'Venerable' as he was beatified by Pope John PAUL II in COLOMBO,Sri Lanka in l995.Sri Lanka,but not India issued a stamp in his honour on the occasion.There were two issues of stamps honouring Fr.Jose Vaz in GOA prior to 1961:the first one was in l948 in a set of five stamps including other personalities.
In 195l,at the tercentary of his birth,a set of eight stamps was issued,three showing the Church in SANCOALE(Fr.Vaz' birthplace),one the main altar in the church and the others,a portrait of Fr.Vaz.The Portuguese also issued stamps to honour twoother eminent Goans:
In 1954 there was a set of two values for Dr.GAMA PINTO,from Saligao,who became Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of HEIDELBERG(Germany) in the late 1880s,Heidelberg being then one of the world's leading medical centres.
In l955 another set of two stamps in honour of Mons. DELGADO was issued.He was a prominent scholar and Sanskritologist.

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