----- Original Message -----
From: floriano
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:48 PM

May 18, 2006

The Editor,

Via e-mail


Sub: Press Note Re: Da Vinci Code Film Controversy.

The Goa Su-Raj Party strongly believes in the separation of Politics from
Religion since Religion is a private matter of the people  and Governments
should concern themselves with governance only. Therefore, the Party
strongly denounces the involvement of the present Rane Government in this
controversial religious sentiments of the section of the Goan people with
regard to the 'Da Vinci Code' international film release. The Governments
have a role to play in such matters and that  role is to keep an eye on
things that may result in the attempts by the unruly at destabilizing  the
peaceful routine of the State and its people.

The Goa Su-Raj Party believes that the Religious Leaders are capable of
isolating the  faithful from fiction based controversies such as 'Da Vinci
Code',  relying on the strength in the matters of long standing Faith and
Beliefs. And the best way to react to such cheap controversies is to totally
ignore  them and leave them to die a natural death.

The Goa Su-Raj Party believes that it is these uproars and unwarranted
organized oppositions that give massive boosts to cheap works such as these,
undoing the downplay  and the irreversible damage caused to them by bad
reviews by the film critics, an inbuilt system which does not allow box
office benefits to be reaped by sub-standard works put in place to do just
that by playing on the deep sentiments of millions concerned. In this case,
the Christian Church will do better in instilling a sense of  pride in its
rank and file the world over by way of reminding its faithful that its
Beliefs have withstood the test of time of over 20 centuries and will
continue to do so in spite of insignificant forays like 'Da Vinci Code' on
its Person.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(Floriano C. Lobo)

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