--- Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The rational points are that Goa is faced with a
> second invasion. This was always the idea of the
> imprealist government from the north to destroy Goa
> and its culture. Goa has no controls, its democracy
> is
> a sham already highlited by many. J. Zuzarte has
> matured and opened his eyes. Where is the
> liberation?
Mario asks:
What are you talking about?  With all due respect, it
seems like from your comments that you have absolutely
NO IDEA about what is going on in India, or about how
a democratic free market economy works.
A second invasion?  The last invasions of India since
the British, French and Portuguese colonial-era
invasions were by Pakistan in Kashmir in 1947 and by
China in 1962, plus some minor incursions by Pakistan
from time to time.

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