Chasing Down Dan Brown 
 A lot of people are grousing about the soon-to-be released, The Da 
Vinci Code. Canadian priest, Father Bernard F. Heffernan, will be right 
on site when the film is released at the Cannes Film Festival on 
Tuesday, where he will launch The First Religious Music Festival 
Cannes, 2006 at a church directly across from the Festival pavilion.

Oprah Winfrey is one of America's top female daytime TV hosts. She's a 
judge of good books, which she sometimes suggests to her viewers. Oprah 
got so enthused about James Fry's story about his own life; that she 
praised him to the roof only to find out later that she had been duped. 
He never did many of the things listed in his "Million Pieces". Oprah 
had been duped; her credibility shaken. More than angry; more like 
rage, Oprah brought him back on her show to apologize to her audience. 
Media people don't like to be duped. It's serious. It cost TV news 
anchorman, Dan Rather, his job.

One of the first famous media dupers was Orson Wells. Back in the late 
1930s, he fooled his nighttime radio audience into believing that the 
Martians were invading Planet Earth and were devouring all in their 
path. So vivid were his heinous descriptions of the people from outer 
space that many of the radio audience fled to safety. Some frightened 
fleers killed themselves in car wrecks.

Of course, we sophisticates think that we could never be duped. We're 
just too educated; too street wise; too space wise; so televisioned; so 
telescoped and so media informed. No! There couldn't be another Orson 
Wells. But there is.

His name is Dan Brown. Just as Orson Wells shook America, so Dan Brown 
shook the religious tenets of many Americans and many people around the 
world. Many added fuel to the fire. It was growing by the minute, aided 
and abetted by a duped media; the very people at whose feet we sit 
every evening religiously watching the evening news. Mostly, the news 
segments parroted Dan Brown--spelling the end of Christianity; the end 
of the credibility of its moral leader; the end of Christ; the end of 
his followers called Christians; the end of Christian morality. Welcome 
to the shacking up of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

But one media group refused to buy it. That was the crew of CBS TV's 6O 
Minutes. They sent a TV crew to France, where the story supposedly took 
place, to film the findings of host Ed Bradley. What they found shot 
down Dan Brown's book the Da Vinci Code exploding it like the German 
Dirigible of the 1930s.

The Da Vinci Code never shocked or fooled anyone who knows the history 
of Christianity. But what shocked them was how it could dupe the 
religious illiterates on this pagan planet.

But with the Code's cover having been blown by CBS's 60 Minutes, many 
websites and mainstream newspaper editorials are taking a second look. 
Nobody likes to be duped. That includes the news media where careers 
depend on being trustworthy.

But where can one find the truth about The Da Vinci Code? The search 
site 'Google' has over 200 English Websites dedicated to it. About 
three quarters of them follow Duper Dan. But now 60 Minutes has rattled 
his credibility. (He wouldn't appear on the show).

This year's Cannes Film Festival will be showing all the new movies for 
two weeks this month, starting with the May 14 showing of The Da Vinci 
Code. With its shaky credibility, organizers probably wish they never 
put it on the show list, but with programs printed it's too late for 
change. Much of the media of the world will be there, hunting down Dan 
Brown asking repeatedly "Dan! Why did you lie?" "Why did you lie!"

I, and a team of Cannes' volunteers, will be just across the street 
from the Festival Pavilion at the Notre Dame Church, which will be 
decorated with banners, books, videos, DVDs, leaflets, pamphlets of 
many different languages, etc. We will have joyful music in the church, 
choirs, solosand instrumental, with prayer and devotions which people 
can join or listen to, while browsing the display. I'll play the 
keyboard on the steps. Famous and non-famous singers will be welcomed 
to perform religious songs, for which they will receive a certificate 
for having performed at the First Religious Music Festival in Cannes 

People are welcome to participate in the religious ceremonies conducted 
by their good pastor. Perhaps cookies and coffee can be served in a 
nearby room or on the lawn.

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