Farewell to academics: Lessons learnt from three years in teaching
By Anil Seth

     US-educated Dr Anil Seth has a PhD in physics, but has
     opted for working in the software industry for 25 years. 
     A man passionate about his work and his technology, Dr
     Seth is a prime example of someone who has contributed
     to Goa significantly during his stint in this state. He
     is a founder-member of the India Linux Users Group
     (Goa), where his steady is already being sorely missed
     after his recent transition to New Delhi. Below, he
     narrates his experiences, and learnt from the
     educational system, primarily in Goa (but relevant in
     differing degrees to other areas too). Send in your
     feedback to him at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In my personal little universe three years ago, the planets
and the stars imposed a gravitational field which constrained
me. Fortunately, the need to change, while remaining in my
tiny world, also provided an appealing opportunity. I had
always wanted to teach -- may be after retiring. Now I could
start half a dozen years sooner.

For sure, the first year of teaching engineering was very

We focussed on improving the labs. We used thin clients,
which allowed us to have almost double the number of
workstations within the same budget. We introduced Linux,
open source databases and various other applications.

My objective was not just to save money but a conviction that
students must be exposed to a variety of environments so that
they can learn and make decisions with more information. The
wider range of exposure also prepares them for coping with
changes, which are inevitable in the IT area.

After the high, the decay started.

     Water is there but the horse refuses to drink it! 
     Something did not seem right -- students of computer
     engineering and information technology not particularly
     enthusiastic about programming.

Some may have decided to make a career in management but not
such a large majority! Each semester I tried to correct what
I thought were the problems but the impact was minimal. It
was clear that I was on the wrong track.

Then, I chanced upon a website on connected mathematics
(http://ccl.northwestern.edu/cm ).

The goal of this project was to help learners at all levels
make sense of complex, non-linear phenomena. It was clear
that I had not understood the complexity of the issues

I was not dealing with individual students but with a
collection of students with interactions between them. The
behaviour of the students was a consequence of the
environment in which they were operating.

That is why, the same students would become pretty good
programmers after joining a company while avoiding it during
their studies for a degree.

I looked at my laundry list of the problems and realised that
I could address none of them. Each item in the list may not
have meant much but collectively, the impact was

So, why get frustrated, especially when the gravitational
fields had weakened considerably? My (partial) laundry list
of the environmental issues follows:

* A class size of 60 or more is too large. We are no longer
dealing with a group of individuals but with a crowd. "We
have unanimously decided to mass bunk."

* Compulsory attendance. It is the wrong solution to solving
the problem of disinterested students or tuition classes.

* Teachers are allowed to teach but are not qualified as
examiners. That is clearly putting the cart before the horse.

* Every college in a university has the same syllabus. "You
can choose any colour as long as it is black." A teacher
cannot innovate.

* A common final exam. The examiner, in order to ensure
fairness to all colleges, is constrained to set a question
paper which follows a well understood pattern. Our question
papers invariably become a test of memory. Anything else
would risk a front-page newspaper coverage, "Out of syllabus

     * The governments impose a ridiculous amount of
     paperwork and inflexible rules on colleges in order to
     tackle the problem of some unethical teaching
     institutions. We wind up penalising the honest
     institutions. A small headline in a paper, “Fed up with
     corruption, NRI donates college to the University.”

I do not know about my students but I learnt a lot in the
last three years, including ridding myself of a 30 year itch
to teach.

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