--- eric pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will sound like a broken record to many of you as
> i harp on Ugarit, 
> again !   That mother of all kingdoms faded into
> history in 3000 BC, along 
> with it's  last kings - Ammit and Ammitappu.  It
> covered what would become the 
> eSyria Levant today,  but it drew on the Nile Delta
> for its early peopleing,  
> and furnished Turkey with the Hatti Kadesh.  These
> "Hittites"  were the stem-
> cells of todays Indo-Europeans who stretch from
> Norway to Naini Tal. Our 
> interest is drawn to their southern cousins, the
> Amizai of the Maghreb. The 
> world knows them as Berbers, their face to us today
> is socccer wiz Zindane of 
> France and Morocco. That their language is spoken in
> the Siva Oasis of lower 
> Egypt is very telling, to me.  Gama, Alva,
> AL-Buqueir,  Rahm and  Qureia are  
> extremely common names from Algeria to Alexandria:
> we only have to keep 
> abreast of Indica to know that Gama, Alva and Moshi
> (Moses) are very 
> Hindustani  too !  
>     I once informed you that our Lusitanian friends
> had begun life in Morocco, 
> as Lazzitannis, which leaves Mario quite right in
> his views - we are eastern 
> Lizzies !    
Mario observes:
Thanks for providing us with this complex but
interesting history lesson.  I knew there had to be a
far more sophisticated basis for my theory that I had
any idea about!:-))  Wait till Cornel hears about
this.  He'll probably do some research to try and
debunk your version:-))  I'm still trying to impress
upon him the value of smiley and frowny faces in
internet communications:-((
And wait till I tell the people of the city of
Gouveia, who still can't get over the fact that they
were named after my family way back when they were a
small village:-))

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