STARTING YOUNG: All that Sarfraz

By Reema Kamat
"Money-making was always very alluring, to whom is it not? In
fact my first business venture was in the 11th, when a couple
of my friends and I decided to put up a stall at the Seafood
Festival. We borrowed the capital from our fathers, rented
the stall, took care of the personnel and resources and every
other arrangement required. In the end we managed to make a
neat sum of money which we then, after paying off everybody
(or so we thought) split amongst the three of us and spent it
on ourselves rather lavishly; rather pleased with our little
success, we were. It was only the next day we realised that
the money we so keenly blew up was only the exact amount we
owed our fathers!"

This is followed by a hearty guffaw from the young
businessman; nah, business 'dude'. That's the only way to
describe Sarfraz Sheikh, all of 23 years of age and gushing
forth with zest.

Witness him in his prime, talking nineteen to the dozen,
pulling everyone's leg like there's no tomorrow and you would
never believe that this young stud is the scion of the Sheikh
Hassan group.

This chap handles the day-to-day running of all their
establishments, which involve the Peter England showroom in
the city, Hotel Palacio de Goa, Hassan Stone Crushers at Sao
Pedro and Sheikh Hassan and Co., which, at over 60 years of
business, is amongst the oldest electrical shops in the city.

Though the others are part of a family business that Sarfraz
has taken over, the Peter England franchisee outlet is his
own baby.

"After my board exams I had gone to Bangalore for a visit
with my family. One of those days, I stepped into a Peter
England showroom and was taken up with the idea of dealing in
the brand. My father said if I could take the whole
responsibility myself, I could get into it. I was game and
accepted readily, and in June 1999, I set up the Peter
England showroom."

Even later in the day, when the manager of his hotel left,
Sarfraz took over rather than just appointing another in his
place. "I wanted my hotel to possess a personal touch."

Besides possessing a Bachelor's degree in commerce and a
diploma in hotel management, Sarfraz has just returned after
completing his Masters in International Business from Dubai
and is all set to put his acquired knowledge into creative

"An intensive course, it basically taught me all the
essentials of international business and trade. I'm thus
trained to assess country risks in the field, to analyse the
fundamentals of the market etc. My specialisation was
international banking, which taught me all I need to know
about the intricacies of this line of work."

Sarfraz has ardent plans of making his establishments the
best in Panjim. "Sheikh Hassan currently stocks most brands
of electrical appliances; it will now soon also be keeping
consumer electronics. I want to revamp the hotel and update
its image; for instance at the moment I am negotiating with
an interior decorator from Bombay to do up the décor; then I
want to sketch out a master plan which will illustrate how
the hotel will look after say, five years. In fact, the
entire set-up of the hotel will be changed. It's a vision for
now, which I shall soon accomplish. It's like this, I don't
know if I'm cut out for business, but I certainly feel I can
give my personal best to it."

How would he describe a hard day's work?

"A hard day's work to me would mean getting the best out of
my staff, because I don't believe in achieving anything
alone. I feel the solution to getting things done best lies
in teamwork. And if you want nothing but the best, to have
people working for the firm and not their personal interest,
you need to have a team that's basically happy. At the end of
the day, I want more than anything else, to put a smile on
the face of each person who works for me," he says.

And adds, "I don't believe in being a strict master; I want
to be someone that they can come up to anytime, that they can
approach without hesitation. Till date in fact, I have never
screamed at any of my workers, be it an illiterate labourer
at my quarry or an educated employee at my hotel. I feel that
my future of being a successful entrepreneur in Goa lies in
the hands of my team. Where they take me is where I will be."
Reproduced on Goanet courtesy: Panjim Plus. CONTACT: Ilidio
de Noronha (Editor & Publisher) [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: 2464687 or 9422058131.

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