Association of Componentes of Comunidades (founded in
1995) office at c/o G-5 1st Floor Madhuban Hillview
Housing Society Tambdi Matti St Inez Panaji,
Institute Menezes Braganza Hall this rainy (outbreak
of monsoons( evening at 1630 hrs today 28/5/2006
Sunday)most of the ebthusiastic "gaonkars" shareholder
from almost all of the 224 Comunidades in the 10
talukas of both the Velhas and Novas Conquistas of Goa
(exluding Sattari where the Comunidade stands
abolished) were apprehensive that there was NO CLEAR
PLAN OF ACTION on the cards  by the organisors  to
stall yet another Bill introduced in the Goa
Legislative Assembly during its last session IN mARCH
2006 ---- an insertion of Article 334 - B  (by way of
an  amendment to Article 334-A )whereby Government of
Goa now proposes to acquire large tracts of land
belonging to the Comunidades for public purposes. This
Bill has since been referred to the Select Committee
but would surely pass thro in July/August monsoon
session if the Goans do not act now,

For  given the mind set of most our 40 legislatures
when it comes to "land grab" and past performances of 

a) the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party since its
introduction of the Agricultural Tenancy Act 1964
which gave tenants of communidades "deemed landowners"
status (when Comunidades were mere agricultural
association of co-operative type and had no landlord
b) the Indian National Congress since 5.1.1985, 
introduced the Article 334 A where any one with
domicile of 25 years annual income of 25,000  and did 
 NOT own  any residential area or build site  within a
radius of 8 kms (as affirmed merely by a sworn
affidavit not by documentary evidence or verification)
of the Communidade concerned  could obtain Communidade
land . This  has helped ONLY THE NON GOANS mostly
bureaucrats and others migrants to the Union Territory
and now State since 1987. Subsequent amendements
on25.11.1985 reduced the domicile limit to 15 years
and the whole process of allocation of land to be
completed within six months
c) the Bhartiya  Janata Party coalition too on
4.7.2001 sought to REGULARISE all ILLEGAL
vide an amendment has enhance the annual income limit
to 3,50,000 
finally now the latest attempt is by the coalition
d) the Indian National Congress, the Nationalist
Congress Party the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party and
Independent combine is the proposed amendment to Code
of Communidades 15.4.1961 
This Code is still prevalent in Goa post Liberation
19.12.1961  as the State (Union of India)  was bound
to accept covenants and agreements preceding in terms
of Article 295 read with Article 372 (2 ) of the
Constitution of India as was well settled following a
judgement of the Supreme Court on 9.8.1965 (ref AIR
1966-8-SC--42-446 in WP No 120 of 1965 "conquest and
not liberation of Goa"

The panel members had this to say:

Dr J C Almeida ex Chief Secretary of Govt of Goa --
began his deliberations on a negative note stating
on to rabble out the history of the Communidade from
8500 BC (he has to his credit a volumnious treatise on
the Comunidades of Goa with statistics of each of the
224 comunidades) which put many in the audience to
make up their lost siesta and were found snoozing; it
was during his tenure that the Government conceded
land to Zuari Industries Ltd (then ZACL), Ciba Geigy
and Taj Hotel Aguada invoking article 303 of the Code
of Comunidades

Adv Bernard D Souza a practicing Advocate spoke of the
rampant corruoption in the Communidade Administration
and cited an incident at the Admininistrative Tribunal
the appellate court on comunidade matters where the
judge was brokering a compromise of monetary benefits
to the litigant and the opponent as a quid pro qua, so
much for ones expectation of justice at the hands of
these quasi judicial bodies when it comes to
Comunidade land;  He sounded positive on averting the
proposed amendment 334 A but said that only after the
Bill is passed could one consider the forum of appeal
in the judiciary; He ended up stating that it was
never too late to begin the war to save communidades

Mr Percival Noronha ex Grade I officer of the
Government of Goa and President of the Friends of
Astronomy club began with a story of a Portuguese
friend (since expired ) who had predicted a requiem
for the Comunidades once the Indians conquered Goa and
this came true at a lightening speed when the first
act of the MGP CM Dayanand Bandodkar a confirmed
mergerist was to introduce the Agricultural Tenancy
Act 1964 and confer "deemed tenant" status on the
cultivators of land belonging to comunidades when they
were components of a co-operative body

Mr Floriano Lobo founder member of the Goa Suraj Party
and a builder by profession (earlier he was  a sea
farer (Radio officer)  stated that Goans only identity
was the Communidades unheard of in the rest of the
country. He chided the NRI Goans who regret the smell
the feni brew and "xit codi "in lands overseas in
Canada Australia USA as their citizens while their own
lands in Goa are usurped by the non Goans.  He bluntly
admitted that Government has no power to amend the
Comunidade but political parties in power past and
present could not be trusted to do justice to
Comunidade.  He felt his fledging political party
which has a road map to the development of Goa if
voted to power could do much what others could not. 
He however felt that only if the elected
representatives are questioned by the voters the
things could change for the better.

Mr  Hector Fernandes,  President of the Association   
gave a detailed treatise on how the Goa Government
could not amend the Code of Comunidade He cited a case
in Australia  Native Title Act of 1993 where an
injustice was done to the indigneous commune of
Queensland was restored after 250 years for Goa 44
years post liberation is not too late he felt to
restore the Comunidades to its erstwhile glory

At the outset General Secretary of the Association
Andre Antonio Pereira (Adv) also bro-in-law of the
present Advocate General of Goa Mr Subodh Kantak
bemoaned the maladies that affect the Comunidades.
Till date there is no faithful English  translation of
the Portuguese version of the Code of Comunidades
dated 15.4.1961 which perhaps for the first time
restored the anomalies to the Code during colonial
era.  But could not see the light of the day because
Goa was then conquered (liberated). He also blamed the
components who came only in the months of May to take
their "zonos' shares and bothered little of the
affairs of the Communidade.  There were other myths
that the Communidades were only Catholic association
this appeared partly true considering that vast of the
agricultural land of comunidades were in the Velhas
Conquistas but it was also a fact that there were 300
gaoncars from different parts of Bardez who were
living in Vengurla Maharashtra Mumbai etc (due to
poicy of prosyletisation ). 

These presentations therefore did not find favour with
the audience and at the question answer session
demanded concrete plan of action. It was left to Adv
Bernado D Souza to answer the volley of questions, and
given the deluge of questions following unconvincing
replies the moderator -- owner of Literatti who co-
organised the function --- had to ask the audience to
wait after the sessions to have their individual
answers solved. 

One member questioned the right of the Governor to sit
over his file for over three years
Another lady member admonished Mr Lobo for his snide
comments on women present in the audience (who could
not be gaunkars of Comunidade as only the male lineage
is considered) when she state that she had single
handedely  fought over a Chapel place in her
comunidade in Tivim.
One other questioned the panelists as instead of
retrieving land from the tenants under tenancy act one
should ensure that the paddy fields left uncultivated
should be taken back by the comunidade.
Another member felt that the panelists did not
deliberate on the subject matter he felt that given
the amendments since 1964 and those to section 334-A
the Government had already done harm to the Comunidade
there is no need of waiting further we need to strike
now he added.

A minutes silence was held in memomry of activist of
the Comunidade and a father figure in the fight for
saving the comunidade late Mr Fortunate Menezes.

Mr Albano Couto IAS ex bureaucrat making an off the
cuff remark too suggested that Comunidades spells ones
Goan identity and needs to be preserved for posterity.
He also spoke of large funds available from the
Central Government for the repairs of bundhs. He
warned that if these activities of the Comunidade are
not restored and funds returned unused the entire
cultivable land  would be filled with saline waters.

Surprisingly Mr Uday Laximikant Bhembre Adv and
panelist  of the think tank of the INC did not make
his presence as a panelist and no reasons for his
absence was announced.  Yet another panelist  Prof
Olivinho Gomes ex Vice Chancellor of Goa University
and who has recently authored a beautiful book "The
Village Communes of Goa" priced at Rs 400/- under the
second Dempo fellowship  Vasantrao V Dempo educational
Research Foundation did not turn up.  When this writer
had a teletalk with Mr Gomes he stated that he had
already expressed his inability to attend the same
owing to a private function marriage of a close

It was left to Mr Ashok Mendes Sankhwalkar the
President of the Comunidade of Chicalim to assure the
audience that his communidade had indeed filed a writ
petition in the High Court of Bombay Panaji Bench
questioning the legitimacy of the Government to amend
the Comunidade WP 54 of 2002 presently being heard.

He is confident that the tables will turn against the
Government and the sanctity of the Comunidades would
be restored.

The meeting ended with a two page REPRESENTATION OF
GOANS being addressed to the Governor of Goa who is
the tutelar head of the Comunidades as envisaged in
the code of 1961. Another one page handout on the
meaning of Comunidades was also presented.

Sidelights of the seminar.

@@@   It started half hour late
@@@   Many senior citizens gaunkars were seen taking a
      quick nap as they were sick of the repetitive 
      history of the comunidades
@@@   the moderator had a tough time when she rebuked 
      most questioners asking them to be brief in the 
      process she snubbed the main litigant Mr Sankh
      walkar from explaining his brief to the audience
@@@   Many members felt that the moderator a
      advocate from New Delhi should not have been 
      there on a subject she appeared least knowledge
      able about.
@@@@  not many were happy about the choice of panelist
      at least one Mr Noronha admitted to his 
      ignorance about the nitty gritty of comunidades.
@@@   announcements were made in Churches and temples 
      to gaunkars to partake in the deliberations
@@@   bus service was arranged for the convience of 
      gaunkars from Salcete.

from the Braganza Hall Panaji

Borda Margao Goa

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