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Dear Vivian,
In your haste to argue the point, you've made it
personal. Second of all you've assumed certain things
about me which are not true. I don't understand why
debates of this nature always have to end up by taking
potshots at those holding an opposing view.

Be that as it may, I am glad to hear from a Goan
living in Goa with some experience in this field.
Sharing of these experiences can change our perception
of what is ground reality. 

Thank you,
> We can bemoan the fact that we Goans are becoming a
> minority in our own land, 
> I can do that since I actually live in Goa most of
> the year.  But why are 
> people who have left Goa for good and settled in
> foreign lands bemoaning this 
> fact ? Nature abhors a vacuum, and the vacuum you
> have left behind by your 
> departure is being filled by people from other
>   States and other countries. That is life.  Accept
> it or do something about 
> it. Dont just blow hot air.
>     Vivian A. D'Souza
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