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Military should rethink Miramar stance

By: BARRY MICKLEWRIGHT - Commentary for the North County Times

With all due respect to Capt. Mike Allen, chief of staff for Navy Region
Southwest in San Diego, to all of his colleagues in the Navy and Marines,
and to U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-El Cajon, the only logical place to
develop a new civilian airport to serve San Diego County is at Miramar, and
this can be done with minimal impact upon essential military operations in
this area.

First, a reminder to Mr. Hunter, that he was elected to serve the interests
of all of the people in his district, and that attaching a provision to a
defense spending bill that would block the use of any area bases for
development of an airport is clearly against the interests of San Diego

Capt. Allen says that Miramar is essential to the training of new pilots,
yet in his same remarks to the airport advisory panel, he talked about pilot
training programs that are conducted at nearby North Island Naval Air Base
and Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Surely it would be better for all concerned
if pilot training programs could be combined at those two facilities.

If Capt. Allen and his Navy and Marine colleagues would only get out of
their traditional defensive posture, a position they assume whenever the
subject of potential base closures is aired, they would see the substantial
cost savings that could be realized by concentrating their operations at
North Island and Camp Pendleton. If they handle things right, I'm sure Mr.
Hunter and his colleagues in Congress could arrange it so that the expenses
incurred in moving from Miramar to North Island and Camp Pendleton would not
become Navy or Marine expenses, but be considered part of the overall costs
of building a new civilian airport for San Diego County. And if they require
a new runway at Camp Pendleton, I'm sure that could be included too!

With Lindbergh Field being already so overcrowded, and projections for the
future being even more so, it is time for all San Diegans to start working
together to get this job done as soon as possible. And by all San Diegans I
mean civilians and military personnel, Congress and the military brass. If
we can show that we are united in this endeavor, then we can more forcefully
request the help of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, President George W. Bush and
Congress to help us get this imperative new airport moving forward.

Similarities between Miramar/Pendleton-N.Island  and Dabolim/Seabird, right?

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