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Goa, India(Goa) Current Conditions
English | Metric
(Currently at 11:19 PM)
76°     ASI|IN|IN011|GOA| Current Conditions    rain
RealFeel(r): 85° F
Winds: SSW at 2 mph
UV Index (What is this?)
UV Index Key
Currently: 0 (Low)
Moon Phase:
Waxing Crescent
Tonight: Waxing Crescent
        Asia Satellite
        ASIA Satellite
Detailed Current Conditions
(Currently at 11:19 PM)
Humidity        100%    Cloud Cover     97%
Visibility      3 mi    Max Temp.       81° F
Dewpoint        76° F   Min Temp.       71° F
Ceiling         800 ft  Departure       0° F
Apparent Temp   83° F   High Past 6 hrs.        80° F
Wind Chill      77° F   Low Past 6 hrs.         75° F
Wind Speed      2 mph   Precip Past 3 hours     0.21 in
Wind Direction  SSW     Precip Past 6 hours     0.39 in
Wind Gusts      3 mph   Precip Past 24 hours    2.08 in
Pressure        N/A     Snow on Ground  N/A in
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha
http://fn.goa-india.org     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436
Photographs from Goa: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/popular-views/

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