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Saw the film yesterday and found it drab in content.
However, the direction was superb. Ron Howard, the
director, is able to play with a difficult subject
There was laughter when the historian Sir Leigh
Teabing says to Audrey Tautou that she is the last
living descendant of Jesus. I would term it as "black
As critics have noted, Tom Hanks plays a lifeless
Harvard Prof. Robert Langdon. He seems a confused man
and moves about aimlessly throughout the movie.

That the heroine is indeed the "Holy Grail" is another
"comic" element. She at last finds her "home" in a
priory (a place where missionaries live) where the
story tells us she really belongs.

The Opus Dei undertone are also comical in part. The
monk is becomes a murderer and the Archbiship
Aringorosa are whacky characters.

The explanation of the Last Supper with Mary Magdalene
next to Jesus and the theory that she was pregnant and
migrated to France seems ridiculous. 

Since I haven't read the book, I am not sure how much
it follows the book. 

The movie cannot be considered as a "serious" film
and, in fact, seems a partial parody on the Church.
The superfluous mixes with fantasy and fiction
overides truth.

It's a curious film that one should watch for what it
tries to define, among other things, that Jesus was
"human". A school of thought on Jesus's humanity is
very much in existence. So, no surprise here.

Eugene Correia

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