Dear Cornel,
With all due respect (of which I have ample for you),
the analogy is a spurious one and undeserving of
Gilbert's post.

The US is grappling with an immigration problem and
there is much debate about this. There are an
estimated 20 million illegal immigrants from Latin
America currently in the US. This is almost the
population of an European country. I am not liberal
enough to believe that such illegality should be
pardoned by way of amnesty, nor am I Republican enough
to believe that they provide much needed labour in
America, to "do the jobs Americans won't do".
Unmitigated mass migration of people impacts the
socioeconomics of the society they infringe upon, be
it in Goa or be in America. While I am all for
regulated immigration, having been a second-generation
beneficiary of it, I am not at all for illegal

And fellow posters, please don't write to me about how
migration into Goa is not illegal. That is another
post altogether.

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Gilbert
> Just one small point re your "Why are the world
> economists (who were in 
> favour of WTO and NAFTA) not stepping forward to
> come up with innovative 
> plans to create jobs in Mexico to keep the
> indigenous workforce in their 
> native land?"
> Could the same have been said about Indian doctors
> who rushed to migrate to 
> the USA? Just asking?
> Cornel

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