On the Internet, where abnormal behavior is the status
quo, tempers can flare in the heat of debate and word
wars can last for days or even weeks.  It's not
uncommon for users to ridicule, harass or insult those
who disagree with them.

But if you damage someone's reputation by trying to
embarrass them in a public forum, you could be sued
for libel or defamation.  After all, there's no reason
to assume that the messages you send through
cyberspace are immune from lawsuits.

"The Internet culture right now is for users to refute
speech with speech," says Dave Marburger, the attorney
who represented Brock Meeks in one of the first
defamation lawsuits in the United States involving
the Internet.  "But as the Internet culture gets more
diverse, users will start refuting speech with

There have only been a handful of libel and defamation
lawsuits filed involving the Internet so far, but as
the Net grows, the number of lawsuits will probably
increase.   If the few court battles that have
been decided involving libel and defamation on the Net
are any indication of how the law will be applied to
the Internet in the future, it's worth your time to
learn what's libelous or defamatory on the Internet
and what's not.

Other users have the right to sue you for defamation
if they can prove you damaged their reputation or good
name with false information.  You can be sued for
libel if another user can prove you have distributed
defamatory statements about them in a public area --
such as a news group or mailing list.

In April of 1993 Gil Hardwick, an anthropologist in
Australia, was ordered by the Australian Supreme Court
to pay David Rindos $40,000 in damages because he
defamed Rindos on an international mailing list.

After Rindos lost his job at the University of West
Australia, Hardwick posted a message on an
international disscussion group that suggested Rindos
was fired because he was a bully and had sexually
molested a local boy.

Rindos filed a defamation lawsuit against Hardwick
because he felt the message had hurt his chances of
finding a new job.  In a letter to Rindos's attorney,
Hardwick wrote "Let this matter be expedited and
done with....I can do nothing to prevent it, lacking
any resources whatsoever to defend myself."  Like most
people, Hardwick didn't have the money to hire a
lawyer or finance an expensive legal battle.

"He (Rindos) suffered a great deal of personal hurt
because of the message," said Supreme Court Justice
David Ipp in the West Australian.
"The damages award must compensate him and vindicate
his reputation to the public."

The Internet is an informal forum and people often
write personal things about other users, but you can
be held accountable in court for making libelous or
defamatory remarks in public forums just like Hardwick

"We know that as the Internet grows, there will be
more and more lawsuits involving libel and
defamation," says attorney David H. Donaldson, editor
of Legal Bytes, an electronic magazine that discusses
legal issues involving computers and  networking.  
"The only question is if the number of cases will grow
steadily or if there will be an explosion of lawsuits
all at once."

Anybody can sue you for libel or defamation if they
think you damaged their reputation, but if you can
prove what you say is true, chances are that you won't
end up in court.

"Make it clear when you are stating your opinion,"
says  Donaldson, "Always state the facts that your
opinions are based on just to be safe.
You probably won't lose a libel or defamation lawsuit
if you can back up what you write with solid facts."

For example, Brock Meeks, a full-time journalist who
also distributes his own electronic magazine, avoided
losing a defamation lawsuit largely because he could
prove an article that he sent over the Net was true.

Meeks was sued by Suarez Corporation Industries in
April of 1994 for writing an investigative story about
the company and its services in his electronic
newsletter -- the CyberWire Dispatch.  Meeks had no
libel insurance, no publishing company backing him up
and a lot of legal fees to cover.  (His lawyer charged
him $200 an hour.)  The only thing Meeks had was his
house -- and he didn't want to sell it to pay off a

Meeks defended his article in numerous posts on the
Net, "All of my facts were rock solid.  Although the
article was delivered with a fair amount of attitude,
I don't believe that I'm in dangerous waters," he

Benjamin Suarez, owner of Suarez Corp., filed the suit
because he felt that Meeks had damaged his reputation
and hurt his business by saying he was "infamous for
his questionable direct marketing scams,"
and saying "he (Suarez) has a mean streak."  To back
up his opinion, Meeks cited accusations made by the
Washington state attorney general's office concerning
Suarez's direct marketing practices.

In August of 1994 Suarez Corp. made Meeks an offer he
couldn't refuse.  They agreed to settle the case for
$64 -- to cover administrative court costs.   The
company refused to comment on why they agreed to
settle the lawsuit.

If the case had gone to trial, Meeks's lawyer thinks
Meeks would have been able to win anyway.  "The
defendants in libel or defamation suits involving the
Internet have enhanced First Amendment rights," says
Marburger.  "The plaintiff has to prove actual malice.
 In other words, the plaintiff has to show that the
defendant made false statements or was negligent." 
Marburger's only regret is that they didn't get to set
that precedent in court.

Although the Meeks case doesn't really mean anything
in the law books, it does show that if you're
responsible and can prove what you write on the Net is
true, people will be less likely to take you to court.
 If you just make something up and your sources aren't
reliable, you could lose big like Hardwick did.

"You have to follow the same rules that journalists do
if your going to write and distribute controversial
material about other people," says Donaldson.

The increasingly common phenomenon of online forums
creates the possibility for you to reach large
audiences, but it also creates the ability for you to
commit defamation or libel -- something that an
ordinary citizen didn't have to worry about in the
past.  Before the growth of online communication,
people who didn't work in the media usually didn't
have to worry about libel or defamation. "Libel laws
apply to the Internet the same way they do to
newspapers and TV stations," explains former Federal
Communications Commissioner Nicholas Johnson, a
professor at the Iowa University school of law. "The
same technology that gives you the power to share your
opinion with thousands of people also qualifies you to
be a defendant in a lawsuit."

Like a newspaper or TV station, you are responsible
for making sure the material you distribute -- or
broadcast -- over the Internet is not libelous or
defamatory.  Lani Teshia-Miller never meant to defame
anyone, but when she took over the distribution of a
tattoo FAQ she almost ended up in court.  The
rec.arts.bodyart FAQ she inherited contained a lot of
generalizations based on contributions from
unattributed sources.  Although she listed her name on
the FAQ, she didn't edit out several defamatory
statements.  One review of a San Francisco tattoo
artist in the FAQ said, "He's getting old and having
problems with his eyesight.  His quality is really bad
and he hurts people."

After the artist hired a lawyer and threatened to sue,
Teshia- Miller changed the FAQ's wording to reflect a
more factually-based and less-hysterical view.   The
review now says, "His eyesight is not what it used to

After the FAQ was changed and Teshia-Miller
apologized, the artist dropped the lawsuit.  "It
turned out to be a good experience for me," said
Teshia- Miller.  "I'm  a lot more careful about what I
allow on the artist list, and I now have a very long
disclaimer at the beginning of the FAQ."

Every person you write something negative about won't
sue you for defamation or libel, they might flame you
or just try to set the record straight by replying to
the message.  But if you post false information
about another user and disgrace them in public, they
have the right to take you to court -- and they could
win a big settlement if they can prove you were

Medphone, a Fortune 500 company that manufactures
medical instruments, has filed a $200 million lawsuit
against Prodigy user Peter DeNigis.  Medphone filed a
"systematic program for defamation and trade
disparagement" lawsuit against DeNigis after a
stockholder reported that he was making several
negative posts about Medphone a day on Prodigy's Money
Talk Forum. DeNigis, a former Medphone stockholder,
lost more than $9,000 last year by selling off his
investment in the company. In one post DeNigis wrote,
"My research indicated the company is really having a
difficult time.  No case, no sales, no profits and
terrible management. This company appears to be a
fraud.  Probably will cease operations soon."

Although the accusation that Medphone is a "fraud" is
very serious -- and potentially defamatory -- DeNigis
might be able to win the lawsuit if he can prove what
he wrote is true in court.

"The Medphone case is a clear indication that libel
and defamation is something for Internet users to
think about," says Johnson.

There are court cases in progress right now that will
decide if access providers such as Prodigy, America
Online and Compuserve are responsible for defamatory
remarks broadcast over their services, but there is no
legal ambiguity about whether individual users can be
sued for making defamatory or libelous statements.
Individual users are responsible for making sure the
information they distribute is not libelous or

The Internet has made world wide, instantaneous
communication easy.
The average user now has the power to be heard by
hundreds or even thousands of other users, but in
terms of libel and defamation, the Net
is not a new world of freedom. The reality is that
libel and defamation laws are enforceable in the
virtual world just like they are in the real world.



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