While the  Supreme Court of India refused to ban  the
screening of the recently released film “the Da Vinci
Code” after hearing  a petition filed by petitioners
from All India Christians Welfare Association and one
Matthews on a Public Interest Litigation seeking a
directions for a ban.   These are the conversation
lines  at the beginning of the film the DA VINCI CODE
as   understood by this writer merely on viewing (not
having read the book yet) the  two hours sixteen
minute film; from  a VCD ( freely available on hire
for Rs 20/- p.d. in Goa)  it  apparently begins  at
the London airport  where the  occupants of the plane
make an unscheduled landing a little off the landing
strip  apprehending  arrest by the police.

quote --In London ride as  pose?             Pripay
not just in rid         Is temple  London  just one
place the ….
London Temple Church         Temple Church, excuse me 
 Roger andI discuss change to flight – back
You and Robert have observe history   Time be in out
glass Be your in history making   I want grail !
You two bring me a greatest night     Thank you"

The  story centres around  one Ms Sinclaire ( not
Sauniere ) also known as Princess Sophie who is
believed to be the last descendant of Jesus Christ . 
According to a report on a news daily Ms. Sinclaire
then a little girl of four years  was declared  dead
alongwith her parents and brother in  a tragic car
accident. In the movie it is made to believe that  
her   family  was one of the oldest families in France
descendants of the Meruvian Kings “SANG REAL”  
translated meaning  Royal Blood .  That  she  did not
die but indeed survived the accident &  was taken care
secretly  by a family the Priory of Scion because of
her lineae.

In the movie Ms Sinclaire recollects incidents during
her childhood  when her “grandfather” one  Jacques
Sauniere refused to divulge details of her parents
etc. She left home one day in a huff & when she
suddenly re-appeared back home she found her
“grandfather” indulging in “witch cult”. She fled
never to return.

Her  past involving  her parentage et al was a guarded
secret encoded in a small capsule which could be
deciphered only on unravelling the secret code 
112358132  ( the numbers in the code are significant
as 1+1 add up to 2  then 2+1 add up to 3 then 3+2 add
upto 5 and 5 + 3 add up to 8 )  to decipher the text
encrypted thereon using vinegar. Rose is the symbol of
the Holy grail .  Rose line as depicted in the map is
the road direction which signifies the place where the
capsule is located North of France . The same is shown
to be  preserved  in the Chateau Villette Museum in
France under strict  guard.  The same is unknown to
anyone except the Curator of the  Museum.

According to the Gospel of Philip it is made  to 
believe   that Marie Maniond  (Mary Magadalene) was
married to  Jesus .  The nexus to establish this was
shown in the painting of   Leonardo da  Vinci in his
famous  “Last Supper” wherein Mary Magdalene is shown
on the right hand side of Jesus  in a  pose which if
construed pictorially  resembles the letter “Y “ which
is otherwise the genetic code of  the female sex
chromosome . If  the same picture is replaced on the
right hand side it appears as joined from the hip.  

It is made to believe in the film that during the era
of  Pope Constantino in 325 AD the woman were not
given equal staturs in the Church by the Vatican  and
hence the story in the film  makes one to believe that
it was not Peter the disciple of Jesus that was given
the keys of the Church but it was indeed his spouse
Mary Magadalene.  But she was deliberately kept away
in keeping with the Vatican pro male centric
heirarchy. It was in this era that thousands of women
who inspired scientific temper or probing minds minds
were ostracised as witches and done to death  To this
extent the movie could pose questions especially to
those born Catholics not fully wedded to its faith and

Otherwise the movie  indeed is a  splendid work of
fiction for which the directors could easily deserve

However  its subject matter  deserves strict
condemnation as it  strikes  at the  very foundation
on which a  religion viz;  Christianity was founded . 
A religion which indeed has over a  two thousand year
antiquity .   A religion which undoubtedly has the
highest following .  Jesus Christ Himself  being  held
as an icon by a vast number of followers  across  all
the continents  of the world. The  Bible ordained as
the  Holy Book      of those professing the Christian 
faith continues to be the largest circulated book in
the world available in as many of the widely
understood  and spoken languages which in  itself
convincingly concludes the band wagon of its

George Bernard Shaw rightly states that Religion is
Opium for the masses  ---- let it be so ---- film
producers and writer need to stand forewarned to stray
away from ruffling religious sentiments there are
other important worldly subjects that could be the
subject of fiction—religious faith ---- never.


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