Dear Mario,

I am assuming that you are using the second example to
prove that the first assumption is incorrect. Hence,
proving once in for all that science is not to be
trusted. This is the same type of rationalisation that
Conservatives use to prove that evolution is a myth.
Monkey's bottom red, man's bottom not red. Hence man
could not have evolved from monkey. The Bible on the
other hand, gives a very accurate account of creation.
Six days and counting.
> Let's see if I can give you an example of true
> knowledge that even you, who is so highly schooled
> that everything is relative, will be able to
> understand.
> >
> How about the true scientific knowledge that a
> properly designed object if moving above a certain
> speed, can be made to rise up off the ground and
> stay
> up as long as it has enough fuel to maintain it's
> speed?
> >
> Or, how about the true scientific knowledge that if
> one jumps off a tall building, one will fall to the
> ground and die?  Those who would "... be pressed
> very
> hard to refer to anything in science as "true
> knowledge." should try it sometime :-))
> >
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