VCD of Just A Minute released
PANJIM, JUNE 12 — VCD of ‘Just a Minute’ short Konkani
film of 74 minutes duration was released at Gomant
Vihya Niketan, Margao by Art and Culture Minister
Digambar Kamat, recently. 
The film produced by Machi Mogi Santa Cruz (Goa) in
association with M/s V P Sinari & Sons is based on the
award winning script of Konkani tiatr ‘Ahvaan’ by
Menino Mario Araujo at the 2005 Kala Academy Tiatr
‘Just a Minute’ is a real suspense story of the
present times with deep rooted message of self-defence
as an weapon for avoiding rapes vis-a-vis empowerment
of women. Screenplay for film is by Dynanesh Moghe who
has directed the film and had also handled camera and
editing by himself. 
The Artist for the film include Aplonia Rebello
D’Cruz, Rosario Boteho, Commedian Ambe, Judy Araujo, 
Kevin De Mello, Madhuri Shetkar, Jenevieve Rodriques,
Hazel Rodrigues, Imma Botelho, Renato Dias, Justino de
St Cruz, Kunal Malarkar, A W Antao, Meleeta Rodrigues,
John Lorens and Pradeep Naik.
Music of the songs is being composed by Agnelo Dias,
while the song ‘Khon Mautolo’ is being sung by Dynisia
Juliao. The other songs like ‘Swaim Surrokxea’ is by
Judy Araujo and ‘Bindas Life’ by Jose Francisco
Rodrigues and Justino de St Cruz respectively. The
background music is by Santosh Shetkar.

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