Hi Tony and Floriano,

I agree with you-both about the importance of English language.  The importance 
of the language is for the students and their parents and others interested in 
the next generation of Goans.

Goan Catholics do a good job of sometimes wanting it both ways. They insists 
the Catholic Diocese be confined to "rock solid principles related to religion" 
and then expect the institution to fight the Goans' battle for economic 

Should not the Goan Catholics themselves fight for and strongly "support the 
govt's wise move"? This rather than expect the Diocese to do it all for them 
while they sit back and criticize the Diocese / Church?

Before you misundersatnd me, I repeat, I agree on the fight for the use of 
English.  Yet, don't you think you'd have more success by you and other 
teachers and parents leading the fight?  And so should the other English 
writers and journalists and newspapers.  That is because they are looking for 
future readers.  And so too should high tech employers, hotel owners, etc etc.
Kind Regards, GL

------------------- Goa Su-Raj Party <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Absolutely well said and totally relevant. We goans are our own undoing. 
Hopefully the Diosesan Society of Education (Bishop's Palace) will see the 
light after its blunder perpetuated on the people of Goa earlier thro' the all 
Konkani medium in the primary section. 
We Goans love our language. But at what cost??? Should not the hypocrites be 
exposed forthwith? If mistakes were done, just say sorry and get on with the 
work. Posterity will appreciate the efforts. 

------------ Anthony M Barreto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Starting this academic year, the Goa education department reintroduced an 
English language subject from Std I. Sensible move. 
The Oposition BJP and MGP have joined forces to oppose it. 
It's time the Goa Diocesan Society of Education support the govt's wise move at 
least now after meekly accepting Konkani as the medium of instruction in all 
its primary school. 
English is the mark of gentleman and it is the language of our bread and 
butter. Even for the job of a peon you need English.

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