"There was not even a kiss between the hero and heroine.And finally as a last
descendant of Christ, she is told she may choose to belive it or not. It all 
on faith. Christs teachings are timeless,no matter what."

You are right,
When she was told to choose to believe it or not, she went to walk on water in a
nearby pond and when found out that she cannot walk on water (As Jesus did) she 
opted to go for 'wine' in a top restaurant, perhaps after rejecting the theory 
'she is the last decendant or blood line of Jesus'.


Da Vinci Code

Tue Jun 13 06:18:33 PDT 2006
I have not read the book, George Menezes says he has read it several times
and its a terrific thriller, and credible people like Wendel and Ervell
too express similar views. I saw the movie in Mumbai. I thought it was
rather far fetched , but creative enough for a story that has another
slant. The hulabaloo was not waranted. Right throughout there is no sex or
indecent showings that may hurt sensibilities.There was not even a kiss
between the hero and heroine.And finally as a last descendant of Christ, she
is told she may choose to belive it or not. It all depends on faith. Christs
teachings are timeless,no matter what.
The Supreme Court says that if an authority (Film Censor Board) passes it
for public viewing, then States cannot ban it on grounds of Law and Order
etc. The State has to ensure Law and Order and treat those obstructing
accordingly. Same thing for Bundhs. This is what is correctly banned in a
Democracy, where rule of Law, and not politics, must prevail for all
sections of society.

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