Hey Mr. D.J  
- Yazan Ghazzawi

Ever been to a party so great it would take a lifetime
to forget? Ever danced for 4 hours straight, even to
songs that you didn’t like? Prior to choosing this
month’s subject matter, I was driving up the Gulf road
to run some errands in Kuwait city. Suddenly,
something compelled me to stop. A simple song by Team
Deluxe, “It won’t do” played quietly on my radio, its
unmistakable groove reminding me of the best party I
had ever been to. Having heard the song for the first
time at the party (and rarely since), and given the
fact that I was considering interviewing D.J’s for
this article, I decided then and there to go for the
cream of the crop, the beat masters themselves: 

The Rhythm Makers. Fast forward to interview day: I
sit at a quiet coffee shop gathering my notes, and I
see our heroes coming from afar. Having just come out
of another strenuous day at the office, Shawn, Savio
and Russell don swanky styles, and look like they’ve
just come off the catwalk. Needless to say, they
quickly snatch the spotlight from any contenders in
close proximity. So we talk about music, and I quickly
establish a strong rapport with them. Their many
shared qualities (including a razor sharp sense of
humor) make the conversation great fun, and we slowly
ease into the interview proceedings. 

Shawn, Savio and Russell all hail from Kuwait and
claim to know the place inside out, making it truly
their stomping ground. Says Russell: “Having lived in
Kuwait all our lives, it’s really easy for us to find
places to go and things to do, other than food and
shopping. People who haven’t been here long quickly
give up on the place, but the truth is that they don’t
dig deep enough.” There is a lot of good buzz around
the town about this bunch, and (as I witnessed
myself), they’re known for creating a great atmosphere
even at the dullest of parties. 

“To be honest with you, that’s where our name comes
from,” explains Shawn. “We started out playing at
family gatherings, small private parties, birthdays,
those kinds of things. And one day Savio overheard one
of the guests saying ‘These guys have got rhythm’. So
we quickly adopted the name, because if that’s how
we’re perceived by the crowd, then that’s great.” It’s
clear from the start of our interview that Russell is
the loudest and most outspoken. I had no choice but to
ask if he was the MC. “Yep, that’s right, he’s the MC.
As you might have noticed, he’s got the gift of the
gab, and always has done. 

He can get even the most reserved, shy and embarrassed
people up to dance. And that’s even without music!”
says Savio. “That leaves the two of us taking turns at
DJ’ing,” adds Shawn. But these aren’t your regular two
deck DJ’s. Having started out with two cassette decks
and Walkmans to cue songs (like any other DJ
hopeful!), The Rhythm Makers proceeded to spend every
single penny they earned from gigs to build a
collection of equipment to be reckoned with. “It’s
really important to have good equipment that’s loud. 

Otherwise you wouldn’t be a professional, and people
wouldn’t really be able to hear if you were a good DJ
or not” says Russell. The word on the street is that
these guys are also really up to date, and are able to
fish for music that is little known. Savio elaborates:
“We play for a really wide range of people, which
means we have to be properly equipped with the right
kind of music. We’ll play anything from Old School, to
Dance, Club, some hip-hop, Latino, anything really.
Just the other day we were doing a gig and we learnt
that there were a lot of African guests attending, so
we dug up some African music and the crowd went wild.”

“The key is reading the crowd,” says Shawn. “You have
to set the tempo of the party yourself, know what kind
of song you’ll play next depending on what kind of
people are in the crowd. Some songs are crowd
pleasers, but once you get the people on the floor you
have to make sure you keep them there, they’ve got to
stay interested. It’s really a tough job, but
thankfully we’ve got a lot of experience now we’ve
been doing it so long and we can pretty much ace it
every time, not to sound too cocky or anything!” he
explains. “You also always have to have an ‘ace in the
hole’, so to speak. 

A song that you know for a fact will make the crowd
crazy. You’ve got to play it at the right time; if you
see people starting to drift, you play it and watch
them come back like magnets!” adds Russell. I was
instructed, while writing this article, not to forget
The Rhythm Makers’ soldier abroad, a founding member
who, due to work circumstances, had to move to Dubai.
Valentino or Valu, as the remaining three call him, is
indeed their ambassador abroad, and often visits
Kuwait. “We always have a gig ready for him when he
comes home,” says Russell. “Doing gigs is not the same
without him. 

I think we collectively agree that we’re only truly
complete when he’s with us.” Aside from DJ’ing, the
trio also have a fledgling re-mix artist in their
midst. Savio is known to have a good ear for spotting
songs ripe for re-mixing, turning little known songs
into instant hits on their repertoire. “I think
sometimes it’s a shame that good songs are overlooked
because the crowd thinks they are missing something.
So I take a song, give it a different hook or up the
bass line, and like magic people start liking it.”
Explains Savio. We close our little meeting by talking
about, well, what else? Great music. Good
compilations, great remixes. 

The truth is that there is a lot of stunning music out
there, and if we as individuals spent all our time
seeking it, then we would have little time for
anything else. This is why I for one am grateful to
The Rhythm Makers, not only for giving me “It won’t
do”, but also for keeping their fingers on the pulse
of great music and sharing it with the rest of us. Now
I feel like going to a party.
(Source:  Kuwait This Month)
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