Just to let everyone, Gilbert's comments below are yet
another spin in his attempt to deflect blame from the

It is well known that Goa was ruled by a Muslim leader
by the name of Adil Shah when the Portuguese attacked
Goa. In fact, the Portuguese received support from
neighboring Hindu rulers. Like the British who were to
follow much later, the Portuguese came to India in
search of trade, not to prostelyze. The Portuguese did
not touch any of the Hindu structures and the native
population continued to live as before.

It as only around 100+ years later, with the onset of
the Inquisition that the Portuguese were forced to
change course and target the native Hindu population
and their religion. It is only during this time that
Hindu temples were destroyed with churches built on
them. To suggest that Hindu temples were destroyed as
a result of a military operation that took place 100+
years earlier is simply ridiculous! This was not a
militarily driven operation. It was purely a
manifestation of christian extremism.

During this period of Christian genocide against the
Goan Hindus, virtually all their temples were
destroyed in the regions they controlled, which
primarily consisted of what is today's Ilhas, Bardez
and Salcete. That is why, we see few if any old Hindu
structures in these regions today.

After about another 100 years, the rest of the eastern
talukas of what now called Goa came under Portuguese
rule. However by then, the Inquisition had died down
and furthermore, the Church no longer had the power it
once did. As a result, many ancient Hindu temples
still exist in these talukas today.

As I said, the more Gilbert writes on this topic, the
more it highlights his biases.

--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Cornel,
> This is a response to some of your comments in the
> two recent posts on this thread. Both your posts
> have statements which appear to be confusing. In
> themselves, some may be true statements, but they
> (the various facts) are not connected.
> As I stated previously and discussed about two years
> ago, Hindu temples were destroyed to terrorize the
> native population and as part of a LAND GRAB. Thus
> the Hindus left their ancestral land and villages
> and fled the Portuguese territory. This was part of
> the military's plan. All invading armies did the
> same - used some excuse (extending from destruction
> of places of worship and homes, slaughter,
> intimidation, introduction of laws, etc.) to
> confiscate / grab the land. The land was then
> distributed (as compensation) to the retired
> soldiers and officers of the invading army. 

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