I have configured my email program to recognize and
dispose off endless and deliberate repetitions of
serial misrepresentations that take far too much time
to correct over and over again.  Thus I only see young
Marlon's posts when I visit the archives.  In doing so
I noticed that he has been getting away with more of
the same, and no one else is wasting their time
correcting him either.
Here are some examples of why it is a waste of time to
seriously debate anything with him.  In
he says, "And when did Mario become a friend of the
catholics?  Mario's vile comments comparing the Pope
and the Vatican to the islamic terrorists, just
because they opposed the Iraq war, leaves a lot to be
desired!" [end of excerpt]
Other than being deliberately snide, this is a blatant
misrepresentation which Marlon repeats at every
opportunity, even though he knows exactly what I said
and why I said it.  These comments are also ironic
coming from a vicious Christian basher like Marlon as
we will see from other comments below.
BTW, I defy Marlon to cite one shred of evidence that
I have said anything against the religion of
Catholicism, as opposed to some of the institutions
and personalities that besmirch it.  Anyone who reads
Goanet would immediately recognize his first sentence
above to be a calumny. 
I am not just a "friend of the Catholics", Marlon, I
am a practicing cafeteria Catholic myself.  But I
What I said in answer to a question from Marlon about
the Pope's peculiar opposition to the liberation of
Iraq was that ANYONE who opposed the removal of Saddam
Hussain, the most brutal and sadistic tyrant of our
times, as the Pope and the Vatican did, was by my
definition, an "Islamo-fascist sympathiser", Saddam
being the Islamo-fascist.  I did not compare the Pope
and the Vatican to Islamic terrorists.
It turns out Marlon too is an "Islamo-fascist
sympathiser", but for financial reasons.  He opposes
the liberation of Iraq because he says it is costing
too much.  This is the accountants method of
liberating a country.  I wonder what Marlon has to say
about WW-II.
Is it even debatable that Saddam would still be
sadistically brutalizing his people and threatening
the security of his neighbors if President Bush had
listened to the Pope or to Marlon?  This is the same
Pope mind you, who fought tooth and nail to bring down
the old Soviet Union that was brutalizing Christians
and Jews.  Marlon, of course, only fights AGAINST
Christians and Catholics and religious people in
With the subsequent discovery of Saddam's rape rooms,
torture chambers and hundreds of thousands of
massacred Iraqi skeletons discarded in mass graves,
and the manifest electoral preference of most Iraqis
(other than about 20,000 insurgents) for freedom and
democracy, the Pope and the Vatican and Marlon were
even more wrong in hindsight than they were when they
opposed the removal of the Saddam regime.  They had
all sadly stayed silent while the atrocities were in
progress throughout the 80's and 90's. 
Marlon continues his spin, "My questioning of
christian beliefs does not equate to me being anti
christian. All it does is that it exposes certain
people's insecurities about their own religion. The
record clearly shows that I have supported the rights
of christians (and all religions for that matter) and
have provided material support for Goan Catholic
organizations."[end].  Yeah, right!
here is Marlon apparently "exposing the insecurities"
of Christians", in his own words:
"Nasci was perhaps a little careless in not being more
specific about the christian god he brays to.
Christians too have many gods and depending upon which
god you pray to, your mileage will obviously vary.
To begin with, there is the holy trinity - the Father,
son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit - kind of like the
hindu trinity of Shiva/Vishnu/Brahma, except that the
christians say that they are three gods some how
squeezed into one. Like whatever!" [end of excerpt]
Believe it or not it gets worse.  See for yourself by
clicking on the URL.  The nadir was the following
passage(s) in which Marlon even ridiculed his own
"Hmm... my mother did once pray over a cancer
sufferer, who after many false hopes, still died (note
to self: check if she prayed to Jesus or
St. Peregrine). The list of saints and their specific
specializations is endless. 
Nasci, I hope I am not being too nosey. Can you tell
me which christian god(s) you pray to?
Blessings from the christian god(s)." [end of excerpt]
This is the same Marlon who now says he should not be
equated with being anti-christian.  Yeah, right! 
Let's see him prove it with comparable comments
viciously ridiculing other religions.  Guess who has
the REAL insecurities!!!
I think Goanetters know me well enough to know that I
am a persistent debater with those who engage in
honest contrary debate, even those who claim that
there in no true knowledge in science :-))  My friend
and dogged philosophical opponent Elisabeth has also
affectionately accused me of ultra PDD by Proxy, or
some such nonsense :-))
Thus, if you see an insulting and disrespectful post
specifically aimed at me, Christians or the things I
believe in, with no response thereafter, it has to be
because I have not noticed it in the archives at that
time, or that others have not responded to it either.


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