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Vinsan unveils environmental-friendly plans for port town (Gomantak
Times) * June 21, 2006

By a Staff Reporter

VASCO: Vinsan Graphics Productions Vasco recently held a special
interactive session with the Mormugao Municipal Councillors, which was
attended by 19 councillors.

During the session, Vinson Graphics Productions explained in detail to
the councilors the future course of action the agency is going to
undertake. The agency will visit all the 20 wards in the municipal
jurisdiction along with the respective ward councilor, and meet citizens
and explain to them in detail the course of action for a clean and green
environment, free of plastic.

With the help of clubs, institutions and individual citizens from the
respective ward, the agency will work as a team taking the local people
into confidence.

During the interactive session, the councilors came forth with several
suggestions like forming sub-committees at the ward level to implement
the plan under the supervision of the agency, and also to approach the
housing colonies and co-operative societies to assist in these long-term

The agency will present a plan of action to the citizens in each ward
and they will act accordingly. It has been decided to have a competition
among the 20 wards in environmental cleanliness, and the Best Ward will
be assessed by the agency at the end of the term and presented an award.

Workshops and talk shows on waste management and cleanliness will be
conducted for the benefit of the citizens in every ward. A separate
meetingwas conducted for the representatives of the schools in and
around Mormugao taluka at the Tourist Hostel, on June 12, where teachers
from 29 schools in the jurisdiction attended.

The agency discussed the prospects of involving the student community in
this ambitious project of awareness campaign. A detailed programme will
be worked out and submitted to the respective schools on receiving
feedback from the schools.

The schedule will be worked out in such a manner so that  the school
curriculum will not be disturbed. REsponse from the school
representatives was very encouraging and they assured to nominate one
teacher from each school to co-ordinate with the agency in helping them
to implment the plan with the help of students.

The agency will visit the schools with a detailed time-table shortly.
Various environmental-friendly plans for the city with the help of
students are on the anvil. Chief Officer Elvis Gomes guided both
meetings. (ENDS)


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