Rise Above Party, Petty Politics, ‘Red Pope’ Dias Tells Politicians

MUMBAI, Maharashtra (SAR NEWS) -- Cardinal Ivan Dias, Archbishop of
Bombay and the newly appointed 37th Prefect of the Congregation for the
Evangelisation of Peoples, Vatican’s crucial department, said
politicians should place the well-being of the nation before their
personal, party and petty interest.

“I have a dream that India may have an abundance of not only political
parties and politicians but above all, of statesmen and women, who will
place the well-being of the whole nation before their personal, party
and petty interests,” Cardinal Dias, known as the ‘Red Pope’ due to the
extraordinary authority and influence he wields over five continents

“Politicians should be ever alert and ready to combat the three evils of
communalism, casteism and corruption which pose a constant threat to our
beloved Bharat Mata (Mother India)”, the prelate told a huge gathering
in Mumbai at the grand farewell ceremony June 25 organised by the
Archdiocese of Bombay.

“I have a dream that politicians should be known for their noble
intentions and selfless love for the poor and the marginalised. They
should be outstanding in moral integrity,” Cardinal Dias, who will take
charge of his new powerful office in the Vatican City June 26, said.

“I have a dream that the thirsting India’s teeming millions should seek
to be led ‘from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, and from death
to immortality’,” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 1.3.28), Cardinal Dias,
fluent in 18 languages, said.

“I have a dream that the wonderful megapolis of Mumbai and the whole of
Indian subcontinent may progress and flourish in human, humane and
spiritual virtues.

The prelate said the nation’s overall progress should not so much be
gauged by the economic sensex, but rather by the rise and fall of their
civic sense and moral values.

The authority of the crucial Vatican’s department headed for the first
time by an Indian cardinal extends to over five continents, with over
2,400 archbishops and bishops under his charge for various works of the

Describing the relief and rehabilitation work and over 100 newly built
houses handed over recently to the tribals, who were victims of the
apocalyptic monsoon deluge last year in Raigad district in the Konkan
region, Cardinal Dias said all the health, educational and social
projects of the Catholic Church in the country had “no ulterior motives
of conversions”.

He said there was more need of more continued thrust of inter-religious
dialogue among persons of diverse religious traditions to share ideas,
experiences and to undertake common action for communal amity.

“Cardinal Dias gave a fresh impetus to inter-religious dialogue to bring
about not only religious harmony but a deep appreciation of the other
faiths,” Dr. Kala Acharya, director of K.J. Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskrit
Peetham, told SAR News.

“The popular prelate who sang on his guitar is a man of spiritual
vision, with a razor-sharp intellect and insight to discern the fallacy
and fleeting nature of problems. He is a staunch defender of human
rights and freedom of religious freedom,” Archbishop Stanislaus
Fernandes, secretary-general of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of
India, top body of 210 Indian bishops, said.

“He is one of India’s distinguished and prominent Catholic prelates, who
challenged the political leadership to respect the lives of the unborn,
the infirm and the unwanted,” Father Anthony Charanghat, editor of
157-year-old The Examiner weekly, said.

“In the stormy seas of moral and ethical turmoil, Cardinal Dias was
fearless to be in the forefront against issues like abortion,
euthanasia, contraception, illicit relationships and unethical
scientific human engineering,” he added.

Since 1961, when the young priest Dias, born in Mumbai, was sent to Rome
to study at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy for Vatican Diplomats,
it has been a steady rise for him in the Vatican’s inner circle during
the last three decades in various capacities, including as a
high-profile ambassador to various European, African and Asian countries
during the reign of the charismatic and globetrotting Polish Pope John
Paul II.

Known for his orthodoxy and a staunch advocate of the traditional
doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, Cardinal Dias is very close to
Pope Benedict XVI and the inner coterie of the Vatican.

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