Goa laments Portugal's loss in FIFA World Cup semi-finals
Panaji: Goan fans of the Portuguese national football team lamented
its penalty kick loss to France in the semi-finals of the FIFA World

Dressed in Portuguese colours, jerseys and draped in Portugal's flag,
the fans were left shocked by the defeat. The penalty kick taken by
French captain Zinedine Zidane changed everything. The crowd became
quiet and when the final whistle blew, they filtered out, dejected and
literally angry at the referee's decision of awarding a penalty to

"What should I say? I am really sad about the defeat of Portugal. It
was really unfair on the part of the referee. I think the decision was
unfair. It was only the Portuguese who were dominating but the penalty
gave chance to the France. I am really unhappy," said Arvind Menezes,
a football fan sporting a Portuguese jersey.

Although the fans are heart broken at the defeat of their team, they
hope that Portugal will defeat Germany for the third position.

"I know Portuguese are best. They have done a great job by defeating
Germany and for that I am extremely happy. Portugal is the best team,"
said another football fan, Julian of Panjim.

For most of them the World Cup soccer meant a month-long excitement of
Viva Portugal and Forca Portugal renting the air at midnight hours,
watching the telecast of the matches. After all, Goa was a Portuguese
colony till 1961 and the old links are still alive in the veins of
many Goans.

-- Asian News International (ANI)


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment: Piss heads - Portugal did a great job defeating Germany?
Definitely 'Stockholm syndrome' no?
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