----- Original Message -----
From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj -- The Booms of Idealism should not die,Floriano

Dear Vivek,

With all due respect when did the blooms of idealism  die in Goa and
Goans? When did we become so  disheartened as to believe that idealism
is a dirty  word? When did we stop being revolutionaries with fire  in
our bellies and dreams in our hearts?

There's a great line in the movie Munich. There comes  a time when
every great civilisation must compromise  with its own values. No
doubt if Floriano is voted  into power there will come a time when
he'll have to  wrestle with his own conscience and chose the lesser
of two evils but until that time comes, here is a man  who has a dream
in his heart.

He sees Goa not for what it has become but for what it  has the
potential to become. Nary a soldier went out  to war believing he
could lose, even if the odds were  stacked against him. That is the
hope that must sing  loudly in the soul of every warrior. Floriano is
one  such warrior.

Why must we beat him down with the our negativity.  When the twilight
years creep into his life, he for  one can say proudly, Goa I loved
you. I heard your  call, I sang your name and I gave you my all. And
if I  can say the same, than I would have learnt something  from this
man, Floriano.

PS: Dear Floriano, I am available for writing your  acceptance speech :)

[Floriano's  response to Elizabeth]

"Whow! Elizabeth. I see you  stiching a 'Ghaddhi' (Indian suit) for me
already. Please save your efforts and your precious time, most of
which you are already spending on goanet. That ghaddi is going to get
frayed on its hanger. Instead, do me a favour and accept my invite to
write beautiful words of wisdom for  Goa and Goans in a special page I
am offering you (for as long as you want) ON GSRP's website  to put
fire into the bellies of Goans  to rise up and join-in,  in  this 6
year old REVOLUTION, not to spill blood through guillotines,  but to
do the same  through the ballot,  starting from April-May 2007. It
would give me no less a pleasure to compliment your very effective and
emotional  writings."


----- Original Message -----
rom: "Vivek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:26 PM
Subject: [Goanet] goa suraj --more comments

Dear Floriano:

I am not even a novice in politics but i think that  politics is the
art of consensus and compromises  without sacrificing some basic
values of decency and  personal integrity.

Contrary to your assertions that all national parties  are Chors there
are many politicians in india who are  doing a great job  I am no fan
of the leftists but the current bengal CM  is a definitely not a
chor.Same can be said about the  Home minister of Maharstra RR PAtil
as well ex kerala  CM Antony as well as our ex CM Parrikar. Others
like  Narendra Modi are excellent administrators and it is a  fact
that his regime is not corrupt.In fact much of  the internal
factionalism in Gujarat BJP stems from  the fact that the corrupt
activities of the son in law  of Keshubhai patel the ersthile CM of
Gujarat were  curtailed during Modis rule.

I think having a set of very lofty principles is one  thing but one
must also realise that no political  party an operate in a ideal
situation. Mega promises  as well as idealist roadmaps may earn you
kudos on a  mailing list but sadly unless you accept the ground
realities these principles will remain only on paper.

Like Fred said "no second term to mlas" is a good  slogan especially
when u don't have any. The point  being you must invent ways to work
the system that we  already have and then make incremental changes to
improve it.

[Floriano's response to Vivek]

Accepted that a few like RR Patil, CM of W. Bengal,  Anthony of
Kerala, Parrikar, Modi are role models for some. But let me tell you,
Vivek, and as you have yourself said, if a politician has to  maneuver
diplomatically and take the path of 'lesser evil' to do some good, it
is because of  compulsions that thse  men have to adjust to because
they themselves are responsible for,  having been  a part of the
system. Here, we at GSRP have designed a new system and positively do
not have to rely compromising existing systems.  And, in this new
system,  there are no previous compulsions and tolerances which has to
be apeased. We can afford to go straight for the jugular and not
pussy-foot with round-abouts. Besides, the few you have named are
perhaps some good apples in the basket of wholly rotten ones. And you
know very well what the overall aroma of this basket will be.

I have said this before. Morarjee Desai was the vocferous advocate of
prohibition of liquor whereas his own son was operating a  distillery.
 Modi, Parrikar may be the best administrators. But not only they are
in the rotten basket, they have a special flavour of being the
nation's worst killers on the basis of religion, communality and
castes. And they have been exposed.

One must remember that GSRP has been born to right the wrongs. When I
say that, I mean just that.  There is no scope for righting some
wrongs and looking the other way with others which might jeopardise
the  future prospects  as a Party. Our sentiment is that "If we have
to cut corners to flourish as a political force, that flourishing
political force will be the same as we see  in others. GSRP positively
does not want to tread that road. Better, if we remain unnoticed and
non-descript. At least the few founders of this party (who are still
with it) can sleep well the moment they hit their pillows.

A special point I would like to make here in this context. I am
presently engaged in charting the "PERT CPM"  route  for my next
building project in Moira. Here, I have been tabulating the minutest
of details that will have to be looked at, to complete the project on
the specified date from its commencement. Likewise, the PERT CPM ( the
critical path) has been charted for the GSRP with a life-time of
efforts, keeping our eyes and ears open. And that critical path, we
believe, is the shortest and the most effective route to take-over Goa
from the rascals who have been taking lucrative short-cuts since 1961
and have messed up the delivery of the "Goa of our Dreams".  And,
frankly speaking, we are more than satisfied by the 'critical path' we
have chosen, even if it takes a life-time to accomplish,  with the
sight focused on the end result "THE GOA OF EVERY GOAN'S  DREAMS"
(More rhetorics ! you would say.   And why the hell not?)

Check out www.goasu-raj.org
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