In connection with the topic of WHY in 2006, Goans in Goa would still be 
rejoicing about a Portugal win in a quarter-final match with England,  
Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :< Yes, there is plenty of 
Anglophilia in India, witness CHARACTERS like Nirad C. Chaudhuri who made a 
religion out of it.>

Interesting that Mr. Gadgil should write thus about a man as accomplished as 
Nirad C. Chaudhari - who incidently was fired from All India Radio in 1951 
after the publication of his book 'The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian'.

Such is our 'democratic' intolerance to a dissenting voice.  Bravo!! or Viva 
!!! (;-)

And Yet the same time the helm was that Commie Krishna Menon  
who was accused of being involved in a corruption scam involving the 
purchase of used military jeeps from Britain to supply to the Indian army 
during the war with Pakistan in 1948.....while he was the Indian High 
Commissioner to the UK.

Nirad C. Chaudhuri got booted from AIR, Menon got promoted to become 
Minister of Defence.

Brilliant stuff.

There are many who criticise Chaudhari - some rightly so. He was probably 
just another much accomplished eccentric.  Some of those who criticise 
Chaudhari for his praise of the British rule in India - have not given up 
the opportunity for THEMSELVES to swear allegience to the Queen of England 
and obtain British Nationality ... have they?

Back to why Goans may have a soft corner for Portugal .....

1: Are you guys really surprised?  Isn't that why Nehru decided NO 
plebiscite?  Please do continue to put your heads into the sand.

2. Please understand this.  Decent Goans will always have good feelings 
towards both Portugal and India. It is natural for good people to have good 
feelings towards family. The only time it will change is when Goans become 
an absolute minority (i.e. less than 5%).

AS a writer once wrote on TGF ....'in the next 50 years will all 

3. I  invite you to think about Jamaica - a country which treats ALL people 
who contribute to her people, as their own. They accept their own background 
as part African Slave, part "East" Indian and Chinese indentured COOLIE 
labour and part English slave master.

They do not pretend or revise their history to state that the Africans were 
born in Jamaica and then migrated to Africa some Aryanologists would 
have you believe.

Then take a look at Trinidad and Tobago ...where African descent folks and 
Indian descent folks have their regular zing-zing. Do ask the 'black' 
Trinidadians what they think of the way the Indians treat them ...especially 
the ones who have migrated there 20-30 years ago.

4. The COOLIE "East" Indians never forget to claim that they are "pure" 
Indians - They are horrified to learn that the original people of India were 
BLACK people ....and the rest of the Indians are one big Mix-Up of different 
races. If they do not believe, they should go to Venezuela or Mexico and see 
WHAT the mix-ups look like.

5. So.... don't be surprised IF Goans have good feelings for the Portuguese 
who were (and in many cases, still are) part of their family and friends 
circle. It is NOT Salazar's dictatorship or the Inquisition they are 
supporting ....just like when they have good feelings towards India, it is 
NOT Indira's energency, Advani's auto-destruction of Babri or Sati etc etc 
that they are supporting.

Goans will support what they believe is good among people ....whoever they 

So much from me for now


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