On 07/07/06, Frederick FN Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Gadgil, When I mention a section who retained loyalties to the
> British, I didn't even remotely mean the Anglo-Indians. Being a
> community which was part-British and part-Indian, their own
> dual-loyalties could be well understood. It is nobody's case that
> Goans are part-Portuguese (except a very miniscule segment). Nobody
> doubts our, er, South Asian identity (to avoid a huge debate over
> whether it's Indian, or how long back India existed, whether it was a
> pre-1947 reality, etc...)

RESPONSE: Fred, believe it or not, in East Africa, Goans set
themselves apart, ( From Indians) most if not all alluded to being
Portuguese! Indeed many had Portuguese Passports, including my mother!

When I posted a slight anti bias against the Portuguese football team
recently on Goanet, I received a lot of direct abuse in my inbox!!!!

So you can make what you want of it, perhaps 'blood is thicker' than water?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England
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