They have reason to! The usage of the word "Chamar" or "Mahar" has
morphed, over the centuries and thanks to 'upper' caste bigotry, from
being mere neutral lables of caste groups to being very derogatory
terms, almost curse-words!

So, when you're asking someone "Ar-e tum Chamar vo Mahar?" you're not
asking "Do you belong to the exploited castes who received a raw deal
for centuries?" Instead you're saying, "Are you a socially inferior,
unevolved human being?"

Naturally you would get a negative response back!

One recalls an incident seen before one's very eyes. An MLA threatened
a journalist with a 'breach of priviledge' case. [Okay, the 'breach of
priviledge' laws in India, which trace their pedigree to good old
British colonial vantage, are very arbitrary and unfair. For one,
they're not defined anywhere. So, any legislator/politician can file
any case against any one on whatever matter! But, the politician in
this case was no more unfair than any of his other 'upper' caste
brothers.] The journalist, when the session was over, simply shot back
with one word as the politician was passing him, "Gaudo!"

That word, and the tone in which it was uttered, said it all!

Incidentally, it's an offence to use caste names (in a derrogatory
sense) under the law meant to prevent atrocities against SC/ST
communities. Given the background and social context, I think such a
law is only fair. So, you can't argue, "You are a chamar. Why don't
you like being called one?"

Things are obviously not so straightforward, and there's a social setting!

Also, as far as dressing well and "up to date" goes, the social
handicap they face has nothing to do with the economic affluence
(some, or a very few) from this community might have attained!

Catholics either don't understand caste, are blisfully unaware of it,
or choose to pretend they don't see it. Now, I'm waiting for someone
to stand up and say that I am casteist! If we recognise
discrimination, the least we can do is to be honest about it! FN

On 07/07/06, JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some of the above are well off and even dress up to date. They will do 
> anything > to show that they are not from backward caste/tribe except when it 
> comes to
> reservations and siphoning other Govt. schemes/allowances.
> 'Ar-e tum Chamar or Mahar??'  Their response would be 'Tuz Pai To'
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha    | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9822122436
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