Vivek wrote thus to Floriano:

Dear Floriano:

1: <If I understand your mission clearly i think you are striving to create 
a Goan party as a safeguard of Goan interests completely controlled by 

2: <Imagine such a thing does happen and further more imagine such genuinely 
committed regional outfits come up in every indian state.>

3: <Who is going to form the Government? my point is we need a indian 
national party to lead us. Not regional outfits.>

4: <Are we looking forward to the balkanization of India?>


===== jc's response:

Dear all,

I suppose that it eventually depends on

1. What the word 'balkanization' really means.

2. Whether people (in a democracy) should decide who should represent their 
own interests, or whether it should be decided for them What their choices 
are.... a la Sad Man's or Salazar's elections

i.e. Goans cannot choose GoaSuRaj even though it is a party that promotes 
non-communal and non-corrupt government. Goans must choose between the 
Secular Rock and the Communal Hard Place.

3. Whether one thinks of the DMK, AIDMK etc as non-regional parties.

On the other hand ....looking at West Bengal, the best option would be the 
Communist Party. Would you not say that.....or a Parvez type of Democracy.

Why only at State Govt level ....forget the Federal Structure ...ONLY 
National Parties whether secular or communal should be the only ones 
involved at the Panchayat level.

Unless Vivek is trying to say that GoaSuraj is only good for 
Ponchayatt...but not for State Governance.


ps: just in case Vivek is unaware.... NOBODY is trying to CREATE GoaSuraj. 
It already is a party. And please review WHO is Goan acc to GoaSuraj ....and 
also  Please see HOW it differs from 
WHO is a Kashmiri according to the Kashmiri folks and WHO is Maharashtrian 
according to the Shiv Sena.

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