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Who can forget Entebbe?  The way they trained and rehearsed
in a matter of three days, skimmed across Lake Victoria and
staged that daring operation -- complete with a lookalike of
Idi Amin in his usual car, even if a "friendly" neighbouring
African nation refused them refuelling on the return? A book
and a film have recorded that story.  (The hijacked plane,
btw, was not an El Al liner, it was an Air France liner on a
scheduled flight.)  Point is, it was intelligence again that
came to Israel's rescue.  They had the complete blueprints of
the Entebbe terminal building, made cardboard lifesize models
for their rehearsals and even had plans for various contigencies
(like dispersal of passengers in different areas inside the
terminal) in place, prior to embarking on that mission.
Intelligence plays the major role.  A brains versus brawn point.

But the Sinai radar and PLO HQ storming, which occured much
before, had their own brilliance.  (Both were staged, 
incidentally, by the Mossad.)  I'll briefly explain.

I'll condense only one.  The Soviets supplied their latest,
most sophisticated radar systems to the Egyptians.  It was
installed on the Sinai Peninsula.  The radar brought all of
Israel under enemy eye -- even a helicopter could not take
off even from the northernmost tip of Israel without the
enemy's knowledge.  The Israelis were alarmed.  The Israeli PM
called a meeting of the defence chiefs and the Mossad.  Each
one presented his plan on to deal with the situation.  The army
guy (I think the Yom Kippur hero, Gen. Moshe Dayan, was still
the Dy Chief of Army staff then) unfolded his plan to destroy
the radar.  The chief of the Air Force told how he would
carpet bomb the entire camp, including the Soviet radar.

Then came the turn of the Mossad chief. He begged of the PM to
allot the assignment to him.  "We will NOT destroy that radar,"
he pleaded, "we will bring it back to Israel."

They did just that.  Together with requisite help from
the other services, a small helicopter-borne commando unit took
the relaxing Egyptian guards by complete surprise, dismantled 
the radar system and brought it back home ... piece by piece!

(It was later re-assembled and studied in detail by Israeli and 
western techies, in Israel, to Russia's chagrin.  The Soviets
changed their arms policy: never again did a first-generation 
piece of defence equipment leave their shores.)

Regards, Valmiki
P.S.: If you read my piece that appeared in today's 
(Goa) Herald, also posted here earlier, on the Mumbai
serial blasts, you know better how I regard the Mossad ;-)

On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 Radhakrishnan Nair wrote :
>(Valmiki Faleiro: I am also - just btw, again - an admirer of the 
>Mossad's >achievements ... particularly the episodes about the 
>most >advanced Soviet-supplied radar installed by Egypt in the Sinai
>(which put the entire of Israel under enemy scanner) prior to
>the Yom Kippur war, and the raid on PLO HQ in a Beirut
>Don't you remember the Entebe operation, Val? It involved an 
>Israeli passenger
>plane hijacked by Muslim extremists during Idi Amin's regime.
>-- RKN
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