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KUWAIT KONKNNI KENDR is extremely delighted to know that Babush Moonsurate 
in the current Assembly session will raise the issue of recognition of Roman 
Script Konkani to bring it on par with Devanagri script.  Our representative 
and Vice President of KKK Mario Rebello who is in Goa has already had an 
audience with Babush Monsurate and appraised him of the importance of Romi 
script Konkani and Monsurate in turn highly appreciated the efforts put in 
by KKK for the cause of Konkani in general and Romi script in particular.  
We at KKK in Kuwait highly appreciate Babush Monsurate's efforts in helping 
elevating the cause of Roman script Konkani.

Similarly, we at KKK in Kuwait also appreciate and support all the efforts 
made by everyone either by MLAs or Ministers or MPs in supporting this cause 
besides Romi Konkani promoters.

We at KKK in particular and Kuwait in general have totally lost our 
confidence in Nagrivadis who betrayed us with a Judas Kiss.  We have no more 
confidence in Bhembres, Mauzos, Shivdases, Borkars, Kelekars, Naiks and 
others.  They have robbed us of our due share in Konkani.  By monopolizing 
Konkani thru Nagri script they are robbing the share of Romivadis.  We at 
KKK oppose this.  Uday Bhembro should be excommunicated from Konkani fold 
for opposing Roman script Konkani. No Roman script Konkani supporter and 
promoter should allow Uday Bhembro and his associates in our fold.  He and 
his colleagues should be considered as enemies not only of Roman script 
Konkani but also of Konkani as a whole. Konkani is not the monopoly of 
Nagrivadis only.  We at KKK feel that Nagrivadis are the worst enemies of 
Konkani, greatest communalists of the type of MGP and strong supporters of 
Marathi.  It looks they want to bring in Marathi in Goa at official level 
from back door through the promotion of Nagri Konknni.  I asked once a 
Nagrivadi why we should use the words in Konkani "Axillo ani Naxillo" 
instead of "Aslolo ani Naslolo".  He said Assillo and Naxillo are correct.  
For this I asked him who certified that your Konknni only is right and our 
Konkani is wrong?  He had no answer.  Nagrivadis are living in the world of 
fantasy claiming what they do is sacrosanct.  They should be opposed on 
every count.  If Konkani has gained so much at official level by gaining 
official recognition it was only because of the tremendous fight and support 
we Romivadis put-in including martyrdom of Romivadis and tremendous 
financial and moral support from Kuwait Goans.  The Novem Goem Daily 
initiated thru the financial support by Romivadis was made to die by the 
crook and traitor Nagrivadi by fighting his own personal battle with Dr. 
Rebello.  We have given our life for the cause of Konkani and to allow few 
tin-pot Nagrivadis to treat us second class citizens will never be 
tolerated. Let us be ready to create a rift between them and us now only 
rather than wait for it at the later date.  The rift and solid rift is 
surely coming, it may be either today or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow 
but surely it will come. The architects of this rift will be Uday Bhembro 
and his Nagrivadi colleagues.

While concluding, we at KKK call upon all the Goa lover Goans supporting 
Konkani cause should raise their voices forcefully and openly in support of 
Roman script Konkani.  It is a time now for all the expatriate Goan 
Associations spread all around the Globe to make their voices audible in 
support of Roman script Konkani.  Nagriadis in the name of Nagri script 
Konkani are trying to destroy Christians in Goa, strip Christians of all the 
official patronage and deny Christians of all the official benefits. This 
should be stopped at all costs.  Nagrivadis under the leadership of Uday 
Bhembro are splitting  Goan Konkani people into Christians and Hindus. 
Nagrivadis under Uday Bhembro are communalists, we Romivadis are not, we are 
secular and as secular we are not against Nagri Konkani.  Let Nagri Konkani 
flourish along with Romi Konkani on equal platform at official level as it 
is happening in many other Indian States where one language is officially 
given recognition in two or three scripts. If this is so, then why not in 
Goa for Konkani?  Can Nagrivadis counter this statement?

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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