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--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In his latest response to my post on fake morality
> M. Goveia insinuates three new names of immoral
> characters, in addition to that of Adolph Hitler, in
> his continuing attempts to convince some nameless
> imaginary people that I am morally inferior to him,
> while insisting that he has done no such thing. The
> three immoral characters are Stalin, Fidel and Joy
> Braganza. In addition, he wants me to wear Hitler's
> shoe if it fits me. He has also developed a fondness
> for two new terms, namely mob behavior and herd
> mentality, which he apparently thinks demonstrates
> my moral inferiority.
Mario observes:
It is nice of you to explain to the other readers what
I have written, twisting my words as and when it suits
you, but I think most of them can read English at
least as well as you can.
You have been unable to prove anything that you allege
regarding how I used the names you mention.  In fact,
you continue with your falsehoods, because I clearly
said the following, "For the record, Santosh is not
morally and intellectually inferior.  Just the
Wearing a shoe if it fits is something that everyone
needs to do, especially those who seem to be paranoid.
The terms "mob psychology" and "herd mentality" were
added to the Goanet archives by you in referring to
people who belong to a religion or moral organization.
Santosh writes:
> As far as a normal dispassionate discussion on
> morality is concerned, there is nothing of substance
> in his post for me to respond to because his post is
> simply a compendium of vicious personal insults.
Mario responds:
The insults you cite only exist in your fertile
imagination, used to having your way in many debates,
and thus unused to any robust disagreements by others.
Apparently, you have your eyes closed to the obvious
substance of this now comical thread, which is that
there is no automatic moral equivalency based on the
natural order of things between the rock solid moral
codes developed and taught by organized religions and
moral organizations of long standing and that of
unorganized individual atheists, because no one knows,
including you, what is going on with them, either
individually or collectively.
Even as a major proponent of atheism, you simply don't
get to speak for millions of unorganized individuals.
All your puerile attempts at denigrating religious and
other moral organizations and their members with
essentially misrepresentations and bogus anecdotes,
including long abolished fringe practices, have failed
miserably as any reader can plainly see.

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