--- Jaswant Krishnayya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario Goveia in his contribution has said that
> allegations against Sai Baba of molesting of
> children are ill-founded.
> I just want to say that I have seen a film on TV
> where an American family spoke at length (about 25
> minutes) about how they were devotees, and how Sai 
> Baba took their son for private counselling. Much 
> later -- many visits later -- they discovered what 
> this was about. They are now somewhat at odds with 
> themselves, since they see what happened, but are 
> still somewhat "believers".
Mario responds:
I did not say that the allegations against Sai Baba
were "ill-founded" as I have no way of knowing.
I said that if the allegations were credible, he would
have been arrested, charged and convicted.  Like
anyone else, he should enjoy the presumption of
innocence until proven guilty.
Interviews on TV are not dispositive of anything.
Finally, the context of my comment is important. 
Santosh was using the "allegations" to show that Sai
Baba's moral code was "fake" or hypocritical.
Even if Sai Baba is guilty as hell, it would be HE
that was hypocritical, not his code, which would still
stands on it's own merits, unless you can explain to
me how a code that says "Love all, serve all.  Help
ever, hurt never." can be morally harmful to anyone.

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