Hi Samir,

Obviously you appear to be a Maharashtrawadi supporter who appears to have
no interest in the betterment and greater glory of Goa. For the past 6
decades and even before, We Goans have become a globally dispersed and
well-networked community. Most Maharashtrians and others have been venturing
abroad en masse only since the 90s or later.

Our global disapora of Christao and Kokne Goans will sure help - we need to
get the Goan Gaon Goons out of the Government, out of the way and start
grass-roots educational initiatives in Goa.
The present government is already taking steps in that direction. We dont
need to create another bureaucracy to promote such initiatives in Goa. We
also have a number of IITians, engineers, doctors, management executives and
other professionals among us Goans who are willing to help out our home
state. We dont need pessimists and nay-sayers from Maharashtra, Karnataka
etc. to kill our ambitious initiatives.

If you have read the attached article, we also need a few more "God-father -
Entrepreneurs" like Mr. Nitin Rai to give a head-start to our Goan Youth. In
the Goan-Christao society all Goan Christaos have an official God-father
(aka Padrinho) assigned to them at baptism - we just need to make sure that
these god-fathers are educated, enterprising and entrepreneurial enough to
be in a position to inspire and help out like Mr. Rai. Unlike other states
(except for a few pockets / Catholic enclaves), we Goan Christaos already
have a built-in supportive infrastructure for a high-tech engineering
entrepreneurship economy that needs to be exploited for the greater good of
Goa. The Kokne Goan youngsters should be on the look-out for such supportive
God-fathers in the local community.

Do you want to be a god-father to a promising, aspiring Goan youngster ? Let
me know.

Do you have a positive, optimistic outlook for the future of Goa in this
global high-tech economy ? - These would be the very basic pre-requisites
for any aspiring God-father.

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
Goan, IITian - Class of 1982
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

>From: Samir Kelekar 
>We need concrete action rather than just internet
>posts. It is necessary to work with people in Goa,
>follow up, do what is necessary. This is a
>continuous process that requires frequent visits
>to Goa, and a lot of ground level effort.
>  And I doubt if
>it is possible to do that sitting in Florida.
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