--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> Dear Lenny,
> I too am a pacifist of sorts and do not think that
> wars serve much purpose besides creating more hatred
> and violence.
Mario writes:
I guess it depends on what the meaning of 
"of sorts" is, which enables you to try and have it
both ways, like our friend, Valmiki, who says "attack"
but only surreptitiously, because otherwise it will
mess up our lives economically, which is not worth it.
 No one must know we are attacking. 
Isn't it this kind of wobbly thinking which has
resulted in tens of thousands of innocent Indians
getting killed "under the radar", a few at a time,
with only the parents, spouses, kids, relatives and
friends left to grieve, with the others just thankful
to have escaped.  "Chalega, yaar!"  "Kya kar sakten
hain?"  And everything is proudly "normal" with 24
hours.  Until the next attack.
Elisabeth writes: 
> There is a reason why India hasn't been attacked as
> viciously as it could have been.
Mario asks:
200 plus casualties from 7/11 not vicious enough for
you?  Obviously none from your family.  But what about
all the aggregate deaths from the numerous low grade
attacks since independence?  This is what I mean. 
Kill a few at a time and everyone is happy, all except
the parents, spouses, kids, friends and relatives. 
"Mein bachh gaya, yaar!"  Until the next attack.
Elisabeth writes:
> One of the reasons is, unlike in the West...these 
> terrorist know that when it comes to India, Hindu 
> fundamentalists will go on a rampage and kill as 
> many Muslims as possible without asking too many 
> question and to hell with the consequences, which 
> as we saw in Gujarat were nil to none.
Mario responds incredulously:
So, when and where have the Hindu fundamentalists gone
after any terrorists?  In Gujarat they went after
innocent Muslims, who had no idea why they were being
attacked.  Do you really think the terrorists care
about innocent Muslims?  Who do you think they are
targeting in Iraq? 
Elisabeth writes:
> No, we must act, my friend. We must act in the
> short-run and send a message to Pakistan. If it
> wishes to harbour terrorists, it does so at its own 
> peril. There comes a time when every great nation 
> must compromise with its own values. A great line 
> indeed.
Mario asks:
"There comes a time when every great nation must
compromise with its own values."   Behind the soaring
eloquence this simply means that every great nation
must do what is in their best interests.
It also means that you think that India's values
included being callous to all the Indians killed a few
at a time since independence.
However, how does this platitude gibe with your
commiserating with your friend Cornel about how
horrible all those Jews are in Palestine for
"disproportionately" defending themselves from being
"wiped off the map"???

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