What is a "Pagan?"

Everybody has their favorite definition of the word "Pagan." Most
people are convinced that their meaning is the correct one. But no
consensus exists, even within a single faith tradition or religion as
to what a pagan is.

Origin of the term:

There is general agreement that the word "Pagan" comes from the Latin
word "paganus." Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the precise
meaning of the word in the fifth century CE and before. There are
three main interpretations. None has won general acceptance:

Most modern Pagan sources interpret the word to have meant "rustic,"
"hick," or "country bumpkin" -- a pejorative term. The implication was
that Christians used the term to ridicule country folk who tenaciously
held on to what the Christians considered old-fashioned, outmoded
Pagan beliefs. Those in the country were much slower in adopting the
new religion of Christianity than were the city folks. They still
followed the Greek state religion, Roman state religion, Mithraism,
various mystery religions, etc., long after those in urban areas had

Some believe that in the early Roman Empire, "paganus" came to mean
"civilian" as opposed to "military." Christians often called
themselves "miles Christi" (Soldiers of Christ). The non-Christians
became "pagani" -- non-soldiers or civilians. No denigration would be

C. Mohrmann suggests that the general meaning was any "outsider," -- a
neutral term -- and that the other meanings, "civilian" and "hick,"
were merely specialized uses of the term. 17

By the third century CE, its meaning evolved to include all
non-Christians. Eventually, it became an evil term that implied the
possibility of Satan worship. The latter two meanings are still in
widespread use today.

There is no generally accepted, single, current definition for the
word "Pagan." The word is among the terms that the newsgroup
alt.usage.english, calls "skunk words." They have varied meanings to
different people. The field of religion is rife with such words.
consider: Christian, cult, hell, heaven, occult, Paganism, pluralism,
salvation, Witch, Witchcraft, Unitarian Universalist, Voodoo, etc.
Each has so many meanings that they often cause misunderstandings
wherever they are used. Unfortunately, most people do not know this,
and naturally assume that the meaning that they have been taught is
universally accepted. A reader must often look at the context in which
the word is used in order to guess at the intent of the writer.

We recognize that many Wiccans, Neopagans, and others regularly use
the terms "Pagan" and "Paganism" to describe themselves. Everyone
should be free to continue whatever definitions that they wish.
However, the possibility of major confusion exists -- particularly if
one is talking to a general audience. When addressing non-Wiccans or
non-Neopagans, it is important that the term:

Be carefully defined in advance, or that
Its meaning is clearly understandable from the text's context.

Otherwise, the speaker or writer will be referring to one group of
people, while the listeners or readers will assume that other groups
are being referred to.

On 22/07/06, Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <<Nasci Caldeira wrote: I wonder what Radha Krishnan Nair, Vivek,
> Aristo and Santosh, Vasant, supporters, and all the Hindu pagans have
> to say about my analysis above??? Come on! Lets debate this issue on
> my terms, instead of empty philosophies and attendent waste of cyber
> time and space.>>
> What? No bloody pagan wants to debate with you, Nasci? All these
> sucking pagans should be lined up and shot, no?

Inviting anyone with a camera  to share photos focussing on
development issues and images.... and those otherwise excluded.  We
can fight poverty, and illiteracy. It shouldn't exist in the 21st
century.  * FN *
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