Mario G and Elizabeth Carvalho have had a dialogue on the
issue of Minimum Wages, and how to better organise the
Labour Market vs. Mario's view that the unfettered "Free
Market" is the best way of ensuring that everyone gets
work. (Wages would come down, obviously, but that is more

In this intervention, I want to raise our sights from the
case of a single person who is trying to hire some daily
help for work on his estate (which is mentioned), and focus
instead on what has happened and is happening in the USA as
a live (and tragic) ongoing Case Study.  Thirty or forty
years ago in the USA, except for seasonable farm labour
(come for harvests, return to Mexico for the slack season)
there were very few Mexican-Americans except those in
Southern California and western Texas & Arizona - a
definite, but small minority. People like the parents of
the estimable fascist Attorney General, who came in
illegally herself, and later got naturalised.

Chinese and East Asian immigration into California was
thought a much more serious problem 30, 20, even 15 years
ago - and indeed it is, since e.g. Stanford is almost half
Chinese- and Japanese and Philipino-Americans.  However,
this is at the top of the social heirarchy, and these
people have blended in. Many of the Chinese have become
binational entrepreneurs. Today, virtually all the manual
labour, waiting on tables, housekeeping, farm labour, etc
not only in Calif but in most of the Western states, and
now increasingly all over the country, thanks to the
underground network of telephone, internet and such which
informs people where jobs are opening up) is done by Latin
immigrants, about half of whom are illegal.

Those of you who know how difficult it is to get a Green
Card and to acquire US citizenship, would realise how
impossible it is to live any stretch of time in the USA as
an illegal immigrant having, e.g. overstayed one's visa.

But there are today over TEN (15?) MILLION ILLEGAL (Mexican
mostly) Latin American immigrants.  This is because they
are willing to work for less money, without union
protection, no health, etc....  AND THE EMPLOYERS LOVE IT! 
They are used in such occupations as Abattoirs, street
cleaning, housekeeping, etc. E.g. in the last decade every
one of the workers who look after the University buildings
(and most of the other buildings, too) in WASHINGTON DC are
first-generation immigrants, perhaps 40% of them illegals. 
In Washington DC, which has a high Black unemployment rate,

Under business pressure, Mr. Bush is trying to get through
laws which would permit many of the illegals to make it to
citizenship - but not too fast, and under conditions that
would keep their wages down, and which would, in fact
permit even more illegals to come in.  At the same time a
lot of money will go to big contractors not only to build 
a show-case 1000 mile Wall, but also to buy a lot of fancy
electronics which will supposedly do unmanned scanning in
the desert (Ha!).

Can you imagine what this will do to the US economy in the
next decade, with a huge number of uneducated immigrants,
who somehow have to be supported in the public schools and
emergency health facilities, additional policing, etc etc.
Plus culturally absorbing them!  It took the USA 100 years
to absorb the Russian, Polish, German immigrants of the
1870-1910s; most of their children and grandchildren speak
English and think of themselves in some sense as Americans.
 But will this happen to the Latin Americans, who will have
for at least one and probably 2 generations to live in
single-language, single-religion, limited income ghettos,
in substandard housing, with little access to social

My reason for going on at this length, is simply to point
out that trying to implement a "free market" in labour is
socially and economically a suicidal policy for any
society.  Goa had better wake up and do something about it.

J G Krishnayya,
Pune (and Betim)
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