--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The beauty of a secular public forum like Goanet is
> that any ordinary person like me can express his
> views without fear and intimidation. No amount of 
> petulant outbursts and abusive attacks, whining and
> complaining, distortions and fabrications,
> bombardment with spam and hate mail, and ranting 
> and raving directed against one, can deter one from 
> expressing oneself freely, frankly and courageously 
> in this forum.
> Restating what Elisabeth said earlier in a slightly
> different way, one has to stand up for one's
> convictions at all costs. How sweet it is that on a
> free, open, non-communal and non-partisan Goanet one
> can!
Mario responds:
I agree with Santosh on the usefulness of
this forum since it gives even a lowly member of a mob
or a herd like myself an opportunity to expose and
counter the "...petulant outbursts and abusive
attacks, whining and complaining, distortions and
fabrications, bombardment with spam and hate mail, and
ranting and raving..." that pollute this excellent
forum from time to time.
This is just my lowly brainwashed mob opinion, but
while every-ONE should stand up for ONE's convictions,
no ONE should presume to highjack the moral highground
by pretending to speak for others without their
express permission.  
Grateful thanks go to Herman and the rest of the
Goanet administrators and moderators.

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